1.What adjective did the article use to describe the vote?
a) historic
b) amazing
c) prophetic
d) cataclysmic
2.What did Scottish people cast?
a) boats
b) pots
c) ballots
d) fishing lines
3.When did Scotland join the United Kingdom?
a) 1777
b) 1707
c) 1770
d) 1700
4.What percentage of people voted for independence?
a) 65
b) 35
c) 55
d) 45
5.What is the job of Nicola Sturgeon?
a) Deputy First Minister
b) President
c) Supreme Commander
d) Education Minister
6.What adjective did the article use to describe a possible breakaway?
a) theatrical
b) poetic
c) lyrical
d) dramatic
7.What is the name of the campaign run by the no voters?
a) Tougher Together
b) Better Together
c) Get Together
d) Together Better
8.What did David Cameron say a yes vote would have been?
a) departmental
b) compartmental
c) regimental
d) detrimental
9.Who will Nicola Sturgeon work with?
a) only by herself
b) everyone
c) anyone
d) no one
10.What does Nicola Sturgeon want to get for Scotland now?
a) a new flag
b) more power
c) a better football team
d) sunshine