1.information exchange 信息交换
I start my discussion in this part with an information exchange scenario, which demonstrates the use of XML encryption.
在这一部分中,我以一个信息交换方案开始我的讨论,该方案演示了 XML 加密的用法 。
2.pee and poop 大小便
Poop and pee have lots of germs in them, so we need to wash our hands every time after we go potty.
大小便里有很多细菌,所以每次便后我们都要洗手 。
3.chemical compound 化合物
The most frequently detected chemical compound is water (HOH) with oxygen (O) as one of its atoms.
最常检测到的化学化合物是 (HOH),氧 (O) 是它的一个原子 。
4.bulletin board 公告栏
You might encourage them by posting a large, personally signed thank-you card to your cooks on the employee bulletin board.
你可以通过在公告栏上张贴“感谢卡” 的方式——字体大,又你亲自签名——来鼓励他们 。