1.What is theconnection between Tim Berners-Lee and the Internet?
a) 1,000 Mbps
b) he's the founder
c) Bill Gates
d) a high-speed cable
2.What kind of forcedid Berners-Lee say the Internet was / is?
a) an armed force
b) a dark force
c) an unknown force
d) a force for good
3.What doesBerners-Lee see wherever he looks?
a) a mass of energy
b) laptops
c) megabytes
d) information
4.Besides negativity,what was Berners-Lee sad about regarding the Internet?
a) frozen screens
b) pop-up windows
c) trolling
d) the lack ofinteractivity
5.What didBerners-Lee say people had become in their opinions?
a) thoughtful
b) polarised
c) forceful
d) strong
6.What importantexhibit was mentioned at the beginning of paragraph two?
a) the first everkilobyte
b) an Apple Icomputer
c) a server
d) an Internet cable
7.What is the name ofthe exhibition at London's Science Museum?
a) The SuperhighwayAge
b) the Knowledge Age
c) the Internet Age
d) the InformationAge
8.What isBerners-Lee's position at the World Wide Web Consortium?
a) director
b) consultant
c) coder
d) owner
9.What doesBerners-Lee hope web-based tools will help us do?
a) collaborate
b) make computers
c) repair householditems
d) become rich
10.What doesBerners-Lee hope the Internet will remain?
a) fast
b) a medium forpositive change
c) cheap
d) a the fountain ofall knowledge