1.What kind of movies are there about superbugs?
a) horror movies
b) action movies
c) animated movies
d) science fiction movies
2.What did the WHO say was a reality?
a) medicines
b) the WHO
c) the spread of superbugs
d) disease
3.What did the WHO say bugs had become resistant to?
a) people
b) antibiotics
c) disease
d) health
4.Who did the WHO say was safe?
a) healthy people
b) people in rich countries
c) doctors
d) nobody
5.From how many countries did the WHO look at data?
a) 114
b) 115
c) 116
d) 117
6.What kind of future did a WHO spokesman describe?
a) a bright future
b) a bleak future
c) a disease-free future
d) a scary future
7.What kind of era did the WHO say we are headed towards?
a) a disease-free era
b) a post-antibiotic era
c) an era of free medicines
d) a superbug-free era
8.What disease did the WHO mention apart from flu and TB?
a) smallpox
b) polio
c) cholera
d) malaria
9.What kind of trend did Dr Fukuda describe this as being?
a) an upward trend
b) a trendy trend
c) a global trend
d) a short-term trend
10.Where did Dr Fukuda say this is occurring?
a) in developing countries
b) in all countries
c) in the southern hemisphere
d) in countries with a tropical climate