1.devote to 致力;致力于;献身于
例句:Faculty members devote most of their time to scholarly research.
全院教师大部分时间都用来从事学术研究 。
2.far from 远离;远非
例句:The current sole superpower is far from being a disinterested observer.
当前唯一的超级大国远不是一个公正的旁观者 。
3.respond to 响应;回答
例句:Some cases of arthritis respond to a gluten-free diet.
无麸质饮食对一些关节炎患者有疗效 。
4.military challenge 军事挑衅
例句:He said his government cannot face the challenge of the attacks with its current militarycapability.
他说,索马里政府目前的军力无法应付这样的挑战 。