1.How old is Ray Flynn?
a) 80
b) 70
c) 60
d) 50
2.What part of the eye does the device replace?
a) the eyelashes
b) the iris
c) the retina
d) the pupil
3.When did Mr Flynn start losing his sight?
a) 7 years ago
b) 8 years ago
c) 9 years ago
d) 10 years ago
4.What could he not see properly?
a) small print
b) shapes
c) his iPad
d) cars
5.How did he feel when he looked at simple things?
a) tired
b) angry
c) bored
d) excited
6.How much did the bionic eye cost?
a) $120,000
b) $152,000
c) $150,000
d) $125,000
7.When did Mr Flynn have the operation?
a) last year
b) last week
c) last month
d) yesterday
8.What can Mr Flynn now admire?
a) art
b) flowers
c) himself
d) colours
9.What is Paolo Stanga's job?
a) a flower arranger
b) an engineer
c) a doctor
d) owner of a glasses shop
10.Who does Mr Stanga hope scientists can help?
a) people who are colour blind
b) people blind from birth
c) people in accidents
d) everyone