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  • More than 25 percent of the world's fisheries are overfished, according to the United Nations.
  • 根据联合国统计,全世界超过25%的渔场村在过度捕捞现象。
  • Many communities worldwide depend on the ocean for their livelihoods.
  • 世界各地许多人口依靠海洋维持生计。
  • Now, they are struggling to manage resources. A growing number are adopting programs called "catch shares".
  • 现在,他们正在竭尽所能地管理渔业资源。越来越多的渔场采纳了“捕捞份额”的方法。
  • These programs try to make fishing more sustainable but critics say they put many fishermen out of business.
  • 这些项目旨在使渔业更加可持续性。但是批评家表示,这导致许多渔民破产。
  • The sun is setting fast in Chesapeake Beach, Virginia. Rachel Dean is navigating her family's boat 'Roughwater' into the port there.
  • 在佛吉尼亚的切萨皮克沙滩,太阳正在快速落下。Rachel Dean正驾驶着家里的Roughwater号渔船进入港口。
  • "The deck light."
  • “打开甲板灯。”
  • She and her family make a living by fishing. There are rules that all fishermen must follow.
  • 她和她的家人捕鱼为生。有一些条例是所有渔民必须遵守的。
  • The old rules set by regional fishery officials' decided how many striped bass fish could be caught in the Chesapeake Bay each year. Rachel Dean explains.
  • 地区捕鱼官员制定的旧的条例规定了每年只能从切萨皮克海湾捕捉多少鲈鱼。Rachel Dean做出了解释。
  • "It was a fishing derby and it was, Green light, go.' Catch all you can and hope that you get your share of the pie."
  • “这是捕鱼竞赛,也是给我们开了绿灯。尽最大可能地捕鱼,希望能你能获得捕捞份额。”
  • This would lead fishermen competing to catch fish as quickly as possible.
  • 这会导致渔民们展开竞赛,尽最快的可能去捕鱼。
  • It also led to overfishing, unsafe and destructive fishing, and other problems.
  • 但是也会导致过度捕捞,不安全和破坏性捕鱼以及其他问题。
  • But last year, officials launched a "catch shares" system for striped bass in the Chesapeake.
  • 但是去年,官员们在切萨皮克湾启动了鲈鱼“捕鱼份额”系统。
  • Under the new system, each fisherman gets a set amount of fish to catch.
  • 按照新的系统,每位渔民获得固定的捕鱼份额。
  • Kelly Denit oversees fisheries at the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA.
  • Kelly Denit在美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)监管渔业部门。
  • "That individual has the freedom to fish that amount whenever they choose. So you are no longer racing to get out and catch fish before the total amount has been caught."
  • “个人有自由选择任何时候捕捞规定数量的鱼。所以在全部数量捕捞完毕之前,你不需要再参加竞赛来胜出。”
  • But there are winners and losers in the new program. Larry Powley is a fisherman.
  • 但是新的项目也有赢家和输家。Larry Powley是一名渔民。
  • "There's some boys that had fished only two years. They got more quota than I did. I've been doing this job for 40 years."
  • “有一些年轻人才捕鱼两年的时间。但是他们获得的份额比我还多。我从事捕鱼业已经40年了。”
  • Larry Powley was able to buy enough shares from other fishermen to stay in the striped bass business.
  • Larry Powley从其他渔民那里购买了足够的份额才能继续留在鲈鱼行业。
  • "But some of the young guys, the boys couldn't afford to buy up quota, then they're gonna get left behind."
  • “但是有一些年轻人无力购买份额,他们就被抛在后面了。”
  • Rachel Dean says her family was concerned at first, too.
  • Rachel Dean说,他的家人最初也非常担忧。
  • "We didn't really get what we had hoped for. Obviously, everybody wants more when something's divided like that.
  • “我们没有获得自己希望的。很明显,当某种资源被分割时,每个人都想要更多。
  • That was our first fear. But we also knew there were going to be benefits with it."
  • 这是我们最担忧的。但是我们也知道,这样肯定也有益处。”
  • But, Rachel Dean says she likes the program.
  • 但是,Rachel Dean表示,她喜欢这个项目。
  • Now, she is able to wait out bad weather and mechanical problems with her boats, and wait to sell her catches when prices are high.
  • 现在,她能够耐心等待糟糕的天气和船只故障,等到价钱高的时候再出售自己捕捉到的鲈鱼。
  • And NOAA likes it because catch shares prevent overfishing and raise incomes.
  • NOAA也喜欢该项目,因为捕捞份额防止了过度捕鱼,提高了收入。
  • "If you look across the 16 programs that we now have, I think you can see pretty clearly that there have been successes."
  • “如果你看一下我们现在实施的16个项目,我认为很明显我们取得了成功。”
  • Catch shares don't work everywhere, but officials here say the programs are the best way to help fish, and the fishing industry.
  • 捕捞份额制度并不是放之四海皆准的,但是这里的官员们表示,这些项目是帮助鱼类和渔业的最佳方法。
  • I'm Jonathan Evans.
  • 我是Jonathan Evans。



More than 25 percent of the world's fisheries are overfished, according to the United Nations. Many communities worldwide depend on the ocean for their livelihoods. Now, they are struggling to manage resources. A growing number are adopting programs called "catch shares." These programs try to make fishing more sustainable but critics say they put many fishermen out of business.


The sun is setting fast in Chesapeake Beach, Virginia. Rachel Dean is navigating her family's boatRoughwater' into the port there.


"The deck light."


She and her family make a living by fishing. There are rules that all fishermen must follow. The old rules set by regional fishery officials' decided how many striped bass fish could be caught in the Chesapeake Bay each year. Rachel Dean explains.


"It was a fishing derby and it was, Green light, go.' Catch all you can and hope that you get your share of the pie."


This would lead fishermen competing to catch fish as quickly as possible. It also led to overfishing, unsafe and destructive fishing, and other problems.


But last year, officials launched a "catch shares" system for striped bass in the Chesapeake. Under the new system, each fisherman gets a set amount of fish to catch.


Kelly Denit oversees fisheries at the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA.


"That individual has the freedom to fish that amount whenever they choose. So you are no longer racing to get out and catch fish before the total amount has been caught."


But there are winners and losers in the new program. Larry Powley is a fisherman.


"There's some boys that had fished only two years. They got more quota than I did. I've been doing this job for 40 years."


Larry Powley was able to buy enough shares from other fishermen to stay in the striped bass business.


"But some of the young guys, the boys couldn't afford to buy up quota, then they're gonna get left behind."


Rachel Dean says her family was concerned at first, too.


"We didn't really get what we had hoped for. Obviously, everybody wants more when something's divided like that. That was our first fear. But we also knew there were going to be benefits with it."


But, Rachel Dean says she likes the program. Now, she is able to wait out bad weather and mechanical problems with her boats, and wait to sell her catches when prices are high.


And NOAA likes it because catch shares prevent overfishing and raise incomes.


"If you look across the 16 programs that we now have, I think you can see pretty clearly that there have been successes."


Catch shares don't work everywhere, but officials here say the programs are the best way to help fish, and the fishing industry.


I'm Jonathan Evans.





重点单词   查看全部解释    
setting ['setiŋ]


n. 安装,放置,周围,环境,(为诗等谱写的)乐曲

quota ['kwəutə]


n. 配额,限额,最低票数

oversee ['əuvə'si:]


vt. 监督,监管,监视

prevent [pri'vent]


v. 预防,防止

architect ['ɑ:kitekt]


n. 建筑师

administration [ə'streiʃən]


n. 行政,管理,行政部门

destructive [di'strʌktiv]


adj. 破坏性的,有害的

adopt [ə'dɔpt]


v. 采用,收养,接受

mechanical [mi'kænikəl]


adj. 机械的,力学的,呆板的
n. (供制

avoid [ə'vɔid]


vt. 避免,逃避


关键字: 农业 可持续 捕捞 渔场




