adj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的
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1.What does the article say is a common part of our lives?
a) research
b) pharmacies
c) over-the-counter drugs
d) illness
2.What kind of syrups are mentioned in the article?
a) cough
b) maple
c) golden syrup
d) corn syrup
3.What is JAMA Neurology?
a) a mental condition
b) a journal
c) the name of a dementia drug
d) a medical department
4.What kind of effects do some OTC medicines have?
a) brain effects
b) special effects
c) time effects
d) side effects
5.What kind of impairment is mentioned at the end of the first
a) research
b) medical
c) cognitive
d) developmental
6.Which university's school of medicine carried out the research?
a) Hawaii University
b) Indiana University
c) Montana University
d) New York University
7.What age group did researchers conduct the study on?
a) thirtysomethings
b) people in their twenties
c) the 25-45 age group
d) older adults
8.What did researchers find was lower because of OTC medicines?
a) price
b) glucose metabolism
c) age
d) the number of colds
9.What did researchers raise the risk of besides cognitive impairment?
a) getting a cold
b) dementia
c) hospitalisation
d) death
10.Who would not advise her parents to take OTC medicines?
a) a researcher
b) a dementia sufferer
c) a nurse
d) a pharmacist
重点单词 | 查看全部解释 | |||
available | [ə'veiləbl] | 联想记忆 | ||
cognitive | ['kɔgnitiv] | |||
unwanted | ['ʌn'wɔntid] | |||
impairment | ||||
convenient | [kən'vi:njənt] | |||
neurology | [njuə'rɔlədʒi] | |||
pharmacist | ['fɑ:məsist] | 联想记忆 | ||
corn | [kɔ:n] | |||
mental | ['mentl] | 联想记忆 | ||
asthma | ['æsmə] | 联想记忆 |

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