1) What can simple card games be as good as for stroke patients?
a) virtual reality gaming
b) walking
c) taking a hot bath
d) conducting tests
2) How many participants were in a test conducted by researchers?
a) 411
b) 114
c) 141
d) 1401
3) Where did researchers say stroke patients could throw a paper ball?
a) in a park
b) into a basket
c) out the window
d) in the air
4) What kind of skills did the researchers say simple games improved?
a) throwing skills
b) writing skills
c) language skills
d) motor skills
5) What did the researchers say would get moving after intensive tasks?
a) hands and arms
b) arms and legs
c) hands and feet
d) legs and feet
6) What part of the body is deprived of blood when someone has a stroke?
a) the liver
b) the arms
c) the heart
d) the brain
7) What can happen to someone's speech if they have a stroke?
a) it becomes impossible to understand
b) it becomes slurred
c) it becomes difficult
d) it stops
8) Who is Gustavo Saposnik?
a) a technologist
b) a card game player
c) a patient
d) a researcher
9) What do people tend to think about old-fashioned strategies?
a) no one should use them
b) they are boring
c) that new technology is better
d) they are too old to work
10) What did a researcher say might be as effective as technology?
a) studying
b) simple recreational activities
c) reading
d) crafts