1) How many elevators is Toyota shutting down?
a) 2
b) 20
c) 200
d) 2,000
2) How many elevators are there in Toyota's Tokyo HQ?
a) 88
b) 80
c) 8
d) 18
3) What is strengthening that made Toyota make cuts?
a) robots
b) the yen
c) steel
d) competition
4) What happens to the price of Toyota cars if the yen is stronger?
a) they become cheaper
b) they become unaffordable
c) nothing
d) they become more expensive
5) How much profit did Toyota make for the year ending March 2016?
a) ¥2.31 trillion / $23 billion
b) ¥3.31 trillion / $32 billion
c) ¥3.21 trillion / $2.3 billion
d) ¥2.13 trillion / $3.2 billion
6) When did Toyota decide to close down the elevators?
a) 2008
b) yesterday
c) last week
d) several weeks ago
7) What else is Toyota adjusting to save money?
a) workers' belts
b) air-con temperatures
c) robots
d) assembly lines
8) In what year did Toyota previously make cost-cutting measures?
a) 2004
b) 2010
c) 2006
d) 2008
9) What does the company want to raise among its workers?
a) working conditions
b) salaries
c) awareness
d) issues
10) What does the company want to reduce?
a) cars
b) waste
c) salaries
d) production