1. be native to (动植物)当地土生的,原产地的;
例句:Chipmunks are native to America.
花栗鼠产于美洲 。
2. find out (尤指特意通过努力)发现,找出,查明;
例句:We must find out a way to get over the difficulty.
我们必须找出克服这一困难的方法 。
3. contribute to (为…)做贡献;
例句:Everyone was asked to contribute to the project.
要求所有的人都要为这个项目出主意 。
4. serve up 提供;提出;
例句:They served up the same old excuse for their slackness.
他们提出老一套的借口为自己的懈怠辩解 。
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