1. cover up 隐藏,遮掩(事实);
例句:He suspects there's a conspiracy to cover up the crime.
他怀疑有人密谋掩盖犯罪事实 。
2. grind up 磨碎;碾碎;将…磨成粉;
例句:We grind up the wheat to make flour.
我们把小麦磨成面粉 。
3. rely on 依赖;依靠;
例句:We must rely on ourselves, no other option.
4. shout out 大声说出;大声喊出;
例句:When I call your name, shout out so that we know you're here.
当我叫到你的名字时请大声响应, 以便大家知道你来了 。
5. turn on 打开(设备);接通(…的供应);
例句:I want to turn on the television.
我想开电视 。
6. so to speak 可以说;可谓;
例句:But for young people it presents an opportunity to follow the sun, so to speak.
但对年轻人来说,却可以说是追寻生活乐趣的良机 。
7. rule out 排除;不予考虑;
例句:I think we can rule out the possibility of objection to us.
我认为我们可以排除有人反对我们的可能性 。
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