1. in particular 尤其;特别;
例句:In particular, overseas sales increased by about 10 percent.
特别是海外销售大约增长了10% 。
2. in response 回复;回答;回应;
例句:In response, the bank stopped the project and consulted the foundation about how to restore the building.
银行的反应是中止这项工程,并与基金会进行协商,讨论如何恢复大楼的原貌 。
3. be equal to 同样的;相等的;
例句:It is equal to me whether he comes or not.
他来不来对我都一样 。
4. be conscious of (尤指由于不满或自觉重要而)注意的,关注的;
例句:I'm very conscious of my weight.
我很在意自己的体重 。
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