1.see off 送行,送别
例句:To see off Stockholm syndrome, though, Labour must also persuade a wider audience it can make the sums add up.
但是想要送走斯德哥尔摩症候群,工党必须让更多公众相信,这样做确实能够增加收入 。
2.be due to 由于,起因于
例句:To some extent, this is due to the nature of the world around it.
从某种程度上来说,这是由于世界的周围局势所决定的 。
3.is cleared of 清除了,摆脱
例句:The trial leads Qui-on 's apprentice into an emotionally difficult time, even after he is cleared of the charges.
审判给欧比的情绪上留下了阴影,甚至在他背判无罪后阴影还是挥之不去 。