1.In effect today今起生效
That policy, which is in effect today, denies knowledge of the scientists'concerns and declares that no safety studies on GMOs are required.
这项在今天仍发挥效用的政策全盘否定了科学家们的担忧,并宣称没有必要对转基因食品的安全性进行研究 。
2.Minimum wage 最低工资
Thismay end efforts to set aminimum wagewell above the poverty line.
这可能会使将最低工资定得远高于贫困线的努力告吹 。
3.Moving leftward 亲左
Their success does not necessarily reflect a leftward shift in politics.
。4.A hands-off 放手/不去干预
Thus,they professa hands-off attitudetodespotic regimes in Burma andZimbabwe.
这样一来,他们就可以对缅甸和津巴布韦的专制政权采取不干预的态度 。
5.Law enforcement 执法部门
Sheenjoysasterling reputationin law enforcementcircles and among the communityingeneral.
总的说来,她在执法界和老百姓当中口碑甚佳 。