1.run for the office 竞选
Why don't you run for the office?
2.as the term of art 应该用这个词
And in Japan the term of art is keitai, which roughly means "something you can carry with you".
日本人叫做“携帯”,大致意为“可随身携带之物” 。
3.move into 进入...阶段/变为
As we move into broadband, a wide range of e-commerce services will become available.
我们转入宽频传输领域后,将会提供多种电子商务服务 。
4.bounce off 弹回/被除去
The sound waves from these cries bounce off objects and echo back to the bat's ears.
从这些叫声中传出的声波,被物体弹回,回声传到蝙蝠的耳里 。