1.refugee camp 难民营
A sandstorm in a refugee camp near the border of Somalia.
。2.dream of 梦想
I still dream of the white line though.
。3.business model 商业模式
Great change in the network marketing business model, led to changes in economic development.
。4.social media 社交媒体
We have all witnessed the power of social media.
。5."Janine does her research and she really kind of weighs her options and makes use of a lot of the resources around here," Waterman said.
makes use of 利用
He makes use of the Internet to collect farming technology as well as market information.
。The machine makes use of the principle of digital sorting.
。6.She is part of a growing number of farmers who have successfully used social media and the internet to sell crops from their home countries in the U.S.
a growing number of 越来越多的;不断增长的
A growing number of adults find themselves not only parenting their children, but providing care for their parents as well.
。The international community will also have to cope with a growing number of environmental refugees.