1.nuclear weapons核武器
It is purely for self-defence that we have produced some nuclear weapons.
我们搞一点核武器完全是为了自卫 。
2.military force武力
We are deploying military force in association with our allies in order to achieve clear but limited goals.
为了完成清晰而又有限的目标,我们正在与我们的欧洲同盟一道部署军事力量 。
3.Security Council安全理事会
But the UN Security Council has been debating whether North Korea should be punished.
但是联合国安全理事会正在讨论朝鲜是否应该受到惩罚 。
The Chinese have expressed their desire to stem the proliferation of missiles and WMD, and we are heartened by recent steps taken in the right direction.
中国人已经表态,将阻止导弹和大规模杀伤性武器的扩散,同时中方近期采取的一些正确措施也让我们感到鼓舞 。
The secretary-general said he hopes leaders of industrialized nations will be able to contain the crisis and find medium and long term measures to resolve it.
这位联合国秘书长说,他希望工业化国家的领导人将能够控制危机,并找到解决危机的中期和长期措施 。