1.as tight as 一样紧张
Wrap this bad boy in plastic wrap as tight as you can get it and let this sit for a couple of hours.
包好这个东西在碟子上,尽你可能包紧一些,然后放置2个小时 。
2.responsible for 是…的原由;为…负责
Now you are responsible for everything.
现在你要为所有事负责 。
3.get-away 离开;逃脱;出发
With all due respect, at some other places you get away with performances that simply aren't good enough.
在有些地方,仅仅由于表现不够好你就得离开 。 在利物浦,你的水平每周都需要提高 。
4.come by 得到;从旁走过
Swallows come by group at the advent of spring.
春天来临时燕子成群飞来 。
5.backed up 支持
Although no loans have been made under this facility so far, these would only be credible if they were backed up by enough resources.
尽管在此项目实施下并未有达成新的借贷 。 但如果他们需要足够的资源支持的时候,这将是很可靠的 。