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来源:可可英语 编辑:Wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • December is a big awards month, best books, movies, all of the top 100 lists.
  • 12月是个大奖月,有最佳书籍奖、最佳电影奖以及各种前100的榜单。
  • There is also an award for best librarian. Today, the American Libraries Association gave 10 2018 I Love My Librarian Awards.
  • 这也是最佳图书馆员/推书馆博客。今天,美国图书馆协会颁发了10个2018年“我爱图书馆员奖”。
  • Winners were chosen for empathy, hard work and "making a haven for book lovers,
  • 获奖者都有同理心,都努力工作,“为图书爱好者、
  • book haters, nerds and geeks, athletes, popular kids and misfits".
  • 不喜欢读书的人、书呆子、怪才、运动员、受欢迎的孩子和不擅长与人相处的人都营造了天堂一般的环境。”
  • None of this surprises librarian Kristen Arnett, who shares her Humble Opinion on why we all need to get out and use our local library.
  • 这些都在图书馆员克里斯汀·阿内特的意料之中。她聊了聊自己对所有人都需要到图书馆转转的看法。
  • Everyone says they want to support their local library, like they support using reusable water bottles,
  • 每个人都说他们想为当地图书馆贡献一分力。他们还说自己支持使用可重复利用的水瓶、
  • no cell phones at the dinner table, and the quiet car on trains.
  • 在餐桌上不玩手机、乘坐火车时不大声喧哗。
  • But do they really? Folks tend to think of libraries in the abstract.
  • 但他们做到了吗?在很多人的脑海中,图书馆是一种抽象的存在。
  • It's less a physical space and more of a concept, a powerful good in the universe
  • 图书馆更像是一种概念,而非实际存在的物理空间。它在宇宙里的力量十分强大,
  • that everyone believes in unconditionally, like Santa Claus or Beyonce.
  • 所以每个人都无条件信任它,就像无条件相信圣诞老人或者碧昂丝一样。
  • So how do you support your library? Leave a nice comment on their blog? An appreciative Facebook post?
  • 所以,大家对当地图书馆提供了怎样的支持呢?是在其官方博客上留下了让人暖心的评论吗?还是对其脸书账号发表的文章做了赞赏的评论呢?
  • A well-timed tweet about them that gets a zillion retweets?
  • 还是在恰当的时机发了与图书馆有关的推文,然后获得了许多转发呢?
  • No, none of that. You can't do it remotely. Don't get me wrong. Give us compliments, please. Tell us we're special.
  • 不,这些都不算是。不到实地去做的动作都是耍流氓。别误会我的意思。请夸夸我们吧。告诉我们自己的特别之处。
  • Venmo us coffee money. That's all great. But, at the end of the day, none of that matters if you don't show up and use the library.
  • 打赏点喝咖啡的钱吧。这些都很棒。但一天里,如果你没有实地去图书馆的话,这些都不重要。
  • Libraries are community spaces. In order to operate, we need patrons.
  • 图书馆是公共场所。为了运营下去,就需要人光顾。
  • People have got to sign up for library cards, use the computers, and check out materials.
  • 大家需要申请图书馆卡、用图书馆的电脑、查资料。
  • Bug the library staff about that movie that doesn't drop 'til next year. Jam the copy machine. Actually, don't.
  • 要告诉图书馆员那部电影明年才会上映。用图书馆的打印机。实际上,不是的。
  • Libraries serve the public by, get this, actually serving the public.
  • 图书馆为公众服务的地方在于他真正地服务于公众了。
  • If patrons don't use our services, they inevitably get cut.
  • 如果大家不使用我们的服务,实际上就断节了。
  • We want to be there when you need resources for your term paper, want to register to vote,
  • 我们需要到图书馆,因为学期论文需要图书馆的资源,因为投票需要到图书馆注册,
  • help you look up how to get gum out of your kid's hair, assist with figuring out the correct pronunciation of hors d'oeuvre.
  • 因为这里可以查询不粘上小孩头发的方法,还需要查询开胃小菜这个词的正确读音。
  • I'm still working on this one. And research whether a tomato is actually a fruit.
  • 我本人正在借助图书馆查询的是——西红柿算不算水果。
  • We're your living, breathing Google. And unlike a certain search engine,
  • 图书馆是会呼吸的活谷歌。跟搜索引擎不同的是,
  • we will be patient and work with you when all you can remember is that the book's cover is blue.
  • 我们很耐心地为大家服务,就算大家记住的唯一信息是书皮是蓝色的。
  • Fake news, we have been trained to spot it and combat it.
  • 至于虚假新闻,我们有受过训练,可以识别虚假新闻并对其进行打击。
  • We will help you fact-check. It's our pleasure. It's our calling.
  • 我们会帮助大家核查事实。我们乐于这样做,这是我们的使命。
  • But we can't do any of this unless you darken our door.
  • 但如果大家不来,那我们就什么也做不了。
  • So, come out to the library and attend events. Request materials.
  • 所以,请到图书馆来吧,参加我们的活动吧,搜索资料吧。
  • Argue with the librarian over which is the best episode of The Office. It's The Dinner Party.
  • 跟图书管理员讨论那集才是美剧《办公室》里最好的一集吧。我个人觉得是晚宴那一集。
  • Or just talk to us about your day. We want the chance to serve the public, so stop by and let us do exactly that.
  • 或者跟我们聊聊你的一天。我们希望有机会能为公众服务,所以来图书馆,让我们为您服务吧。
  • It's like they always say: The first secret of success is just showing up.
  • 这就好像大家常说的:成功的第一个诀窍是出现在实地。
  • The second secret? Find a librarian. We can help you with that.
  • 第二个诀窍呢?找一位图书管理员,让我们帮你成功。
  • How can you argue with that? How can you argue with a librarian?
  • 大家有辩驳的话要说吗?面对图书管理员这样的小天使,应该说不出辩驳的话吧?



JUDY WOODRUFF: December is a big awards month, best books, movies, all of the top 100 lists. There is also an award for best librarian. Today, the American Libraries Association gave 10 2018 I Love My Librarian Awards. Winners were chosen for empathy, hard work and "making a haven for book lovers, book haters, nerds and geeks, athletes, popular kids and misfits". None of this surprises librarian Kristen Arnett, who shares her Humble Opinion on why we all need to get out and use our local library.




KRISTEN ARNETT, Librarian: Everyone says they want to support their local library, like they support using reusable water bottles, no cell phones at the dinner table, and the quiet car on trains. But do they really? Folks tend to think of libraries in the abstract. It's less a physical space and more of a concept, a powerful good in the universe that everyone believes in unconditionally, like Santa Claus or Beyonce. So how do you support your library? Leave a nice comment on their blog? An appreciative Facebook post? A well-timed tweet about them that gets a zillion retweets? No, none of that. You can't do it remotely. Don't get me wrong. Give us compliments, please. Tell us we're special. Venmo us coffee money. That's all great. But, at the end of the day, none of that matters if you don't show up and use the library. Libraries are community spaces. In order to operate, we need patrons. People have got to sign up for library cards, use the computers, and check out materials. Bug the library staff about that movie that doesn't drop 'til next year. Jam the copy machine. Actually, don't. Libraries serve the public by, get this, actually serving the public. If patrons don't use our services, they inevitably get cut. We want to be there when you need resources for your term paper, want to register to vote, help you look up how to get gum out of your kid's hair, assist with figuring out the correct pronunciation of hors d'oeuvre. I'm still working on this one. And research whether a tomato is actually a fruit. We're your living, breathing Google. And unlike a certain search engine, we will be patient and work with you when all you can remember is that the book's cover is blue. Fake news, we have been trained to spot it and combat it. We will help you fact-check. It's our pleasure. It's our calling. But we can't do any of this unless you darken our door. So, come out to the library and attend events. Request materials. Argue with the librarian over which is the best episode of The Office. It's The Dinner Party. Or just talk to us about your day. We want the chance to serve the public, so stop by and let us do exactly that. It's like they always say: The first secret of success is just showing up. The second secret? Find a librarian. We can help you with that.


JUDY WOODRUFF: How can you argue with that? How can you argue with a librarian?



重点单词   查看全部解释    
inevitably [in'evitəbli]


adv. 不可避免地

figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型

abstract ['æbstrækt]


n. 摘要,抽象的东西
adj. 抽象的,理论

darken ['dɑ:kən]


vi. 弄暗,暗下来 vt. 使变暗,使阴郁,败坏,使模

address [ə'dres]


n. 住址,致词,讲话,谈吐,(处理问题的)技巧

tend [tend]


v. 趋向,易于,照料,护理

community [kə'mju:niti]


n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落

cell [sel]


n. 细胞,电池,小组,小房间,单人牢房,(蜂房的)巢室

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

personnel [.pə:sə'nel]


n. 职员,人事部门





