Friendships are built on trust, love, and similar interests. Most of us would do anything to make our friends happy. Of course, misunderstandings happen and friends quarrel, but where the friendship is real, friends find a way to make it better. That, essentially, is the story of Ralph Breaks the Internet.
The animated movie, the sequel to the 2012 film Wreck-It Ralph, hit Chinese mainland theaters on Nov 21. We welcome back bad guy Ralph from the video game Fix-It Felix Jr. and his best friend, the little girl Vanellope von Schweetz. This time, they leave the game to explore a new world – the Internet.
这部动画电影是2012年电影《无敌破坏王》的续作,已于11月21日登陆中国院线。我们迎来了电子游戏《快手阿修》中的恶人拉尔夫以及他的好朋友,小女孩云妮洛普的回归。这一次,两人离开了游戏世界,前往探索一个新世界 —— 互联网。

As they travel through the Internet, Ralph and Vanellope are exposed to social networking platforms, tweets, searches, the dark web, and other aspects of the net we know about. However, the pair has divergent attitudes to this world, which is brand new to them. Vanellope embraces its novelty and creativity, but Ralph is at a loss there.
"Ralph is in love with the life that he has," the movie's director Rich Moore told The Hollywood Reporter, "but Vanellope is ready for a change. They're like a couple of small-town kids who venture into the big city. One falls in love with the city, while the other one can't wait to go home".
However, what is really touching about this movie is that Ralph stands by Vanellope and doesn't complain during the twists and turns of their encounter with the Internet. He respects Vanellope's decisions and supports her with sincerity.
Many of us meet circumstances like Ralph and Vanellope. If one of us has to say goodbye to the other because we have a different dream, we need to think about that person.
As the legendary late US boxer Muhammad Ali once said in an interview, "Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything."