1.stand for 代表
In his second year, he stood for election and became the first African-American President of the Law Review.
在哈佛的第二年,他参加选举并一举当选为《哈》社历史上第一位非洲裔主席 。
2.other than除了
The doctor advised about many things other than medicine.
这位医生除了开药以外,还对很多事情提出忠告 。
3.every aspect of 方方面面
No, this is about collaboration with your customers in every aspect of your business.
这是关于与你的客户在业务的每个方面进行协作 。
4.treat 对待
Ten years ago, the most gracious hosts in China provided dinner-party guests with imported vintage reds, a rare treat as the country began to open up to Western-style extravagance.
十年前,中国多数慷慨的主人会给参加晚宴的宾客提供进口的红葡萄酒,在该国开始向西式铺张开放之时,这是难得的款待 。
5.start with 从…开始
You can start with one of them and add the others as you have time.
你现在就可以开始只用其中之一,如果你有时间的话,还可以加上其它的 。
6.in the middle of 在…中间
Here it is: Being President with this Congress is like standing in the middle of a cemetery.
我想到一个笑话:作为总统,站在这样的国会面前,就像站在一块墓地的中央 。