1.along with 连同;一起
Note down these questions along with the questions you found in the forums.
将这些问题与你在论坛里找到的问题记录在一起 。
2.serve as 担任;充当
The collective intelligence of an ant colony can serve as inspiration to help us solve complex human problems.
蚁群的集体智能能够作为一种启发,帮助我们解决人类所面临的复杂问题 。
3.at all levels各个级别
You represent nations at all levels of income and all stages of development.
你们代表的国家,处于各种收入水平和发展阶段 。
4.in partnership with合作
Finally, this week, we introduced the Veterans Job Bank in partnership with the Department of Veterans Affairs.
最后,在这一周我们还引进了与退伍军人事务部有合作关系的“退伍军人工作银行” 。
5.give permission 准许
If any other shareholders or interested parties apply to participate in the litigation as the co-plaintiff or the third party, the people's court shall give permission.
其他股东或者有关利害关系人申请以共同原告或者第三人身份参加诉讼的,人民法院应予准许 。
6.speak of 谈及
Some, we know, will convey wartime loss and suffering, others will speak of daring and inspiration.
我们知道,有些人会表述战时的损失和痛苦,其他人将论及勇敢和激励 。