1. on hold 推迟;中断;
The project is on hold until more money is available.
这项工程暂停,等到有更多的钱时再进行 。
2. knock over 撞倒;
He was knocked over by a bus and broke his leg.
他被一辆公共汽车撞倒,一条腿折了 。
3. be based on 以…为基础;
The selection process is based on rigorous tests of competence and experience.
选拔过程是基于对能力和经验的严格测试 。
4. be unlikely to do sth. 不太可能的;未必会发生的;
As with many technological revolutions, you are unlikely to be aware of it.
就像诸多的技术革命一样,你可能不太会注意到它 。
adj. 空前的,前所未有的