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  • You could say that John Urschel has made it to the top of his profession,
  • 说约翰·尤索将事业做的风生水起并不为过,
  • except he had two professions, and they appeared to have nothing to do with the other.
  • 不过,他其实有两项事业,只是这两项事业的领域大不相同。
  • Urschel played pro football for the Baltimore Ravens.
  • 尤索是一名橄榄球运动员,为巴尔的摩乌鸦队效力。
  • He then began a Ph.D. program at MIT in mathematics, where he has published several peer-reviewed articles.
  • 后来,他在麻省理工读数学专业的博士后。在校期间,他曾发表过多篇经过同行评议的文章。
  • Urschel retired from football in 2017 and tonight shares His Humble Opinion on how what he learned on the field
  • 尤索2017年退役。今晚,他将分享自己在赛场上学到的
  • now helps him in the classroom. When I was a kid growing up in Buffalo, I spent a lot of time alone.
  • 东西是如何帮助自己推进学业的。我小时候在布法罗长大,我经常自己待着。
  • It wasn't easy for me to make friends. I was awkward, bigger than everyone else, and I didn't know how to talk to the other kids.
  • 对我来说,交朋友很难。我很笨拙,个头比同龄人要大,所以我不知道要如何与其他小孩子聊天。
  • I was happiest by myself, doing math puzzles or playing video games.
  • 我独处的时候是最开心的时候,我可以做数学题或者玩儿视频游戏。
  • Then, when I got to middle school, I joined lacrosse and soccer teams.
  • 后来,我上了中学,加入了曲棍球队和橄榄球队。
  • I wanted to play football, but we couldn't find a helmet that fit. I didn't do it because I was some great athletic talent.
  • 我想玩儿橄榄球,但我没有合适的头盔。我玩儿橄榄球并非因为我是运动健将。
  • In fact, I wasn't. I was overweight and out of shape. But I was seriously competitive, and I loved playing games.
  • 实际上,恰好相反——我体重超标,个头庞大。但我竞争力很强,我喜欢玩游戏。
  • I loved winning, and, even more than that, I hated losing.
  • 我喜欢获胜的感觉,不止于此,我讨厌输。
  • That had been true when I was a child playing Monopoly with my mother, but it became especially clear when I was playing sports.
  • 回头看,我当初跟妈妈玩儿大富翁的时候,就已经体现出这一点。只是后来我从事体育运动后,这一点才变得更加明晰。
  • What I hadn't expected, though, was how much I loved being part of a team and how much I learned from it,
  • 我没想到的是:我很喜欢团队协作的感觉,也没想到团队协作让我受益良多,
  • especially when I joined the football team in high school.
  • 尤其是我高中加入橄榄球队后。
  • I had to learn how to communicate better. I had to learn when to take the lead on the field and in the locker room,
  • 我必须要学会如何更好地跟人交流,以及如何在赛场上和衣帽间里发挥领头作用,
  • and when to step back and give my support.
  • 如何要退后一步,为队友提供支持。
  • I had to learn how to accept instruction and criticism from coaches. And there was a lot of it.
  • 我必须要学会如何听从教练的指导和批评,等等。
  • I had to work hard, because, if I didn't, I wouldn't be letting my teammates down.
  • 我必须足够努力,因为如果不努力,队友就会失望。
  • Don't get me wrong. I didn't always like the guys I was playing with. That didn't matter, though. We were in it together.
  • 不过,别误解我的意思哦,有时候,队友也有自己的缺点。但这并不重要,因为我们是一个团队。
  • I am convinced that every kid would benefit from being part of a team,
  • 我深信一点:每个孩子都能从团队协作中受益。
  • not because of what playing team sports did for me as a football player, but because of what it did for me as a mathematician.
  • 但这并不是因为团队协作对我的比赛有益,而是因为团队协作对于我研究数学有益。
  • It might seem like being a mathematician is a solitary pursuit. It's true, I spend a lot of time in a room by myself.
  • 做一名数学家更像是孤独的探索。确实如此,因为我会花很长时间在房间里独处。
  • But what I didn't expect is that I would also spend a lot of time working with other mathematicians, in other words, being on a team.
  • 但我没想到的是:我会花很多时间与其他数学家共处,那也是一种团队协作。
  • It may sound crazy, but playing football helped me write my first research paper on the Sun-Jupiter-asteroid three-body problem.
  • 这听起来可能很疯狂,但玩儿橄榄球帮助我完成了第一篇论文,这篇论文的主题是太阳-木星-小行星三者的问题。
  • It took diligence and learning how to deal with feedback.
  • 应对反馈是需要勤奋和学习的。
  • People spend years in classrooms trying to gain the skills that will help them succeed,
  • 人们会花数年时间在课堂上学习可以帮助自己成功的技能,但我们认为,
  • but some of the most important skills, I believe, are best learned on a field.
  • 有一些最为重要的技能是赛场上的团队协作才能教会的。



JUDY WOODRUFF: You could say that John Urschel has made it to the top of his profession, except he had two professions, and they appeared to have nothing to do with the other. Urschel played pro football for the Baltimore Ravens. He then began a Ph.D. program at MIT in mathematics, where he has published several peer-reviewed articles. Urschel retired from football in 2017 and tonight shares His Humble Opinion on how what he learned on the field now helps him in the classroom.




JOHN URSCHEL, Author, Mind and Matter: A Life in Math and Football: When I was a kid growing up in Buffalo, I spent a lot of time alone. It wasn't easy for me to make friends. I was awkward, bigger than everyone else, and I didn't know how to talk to the other kids. I was happiest by myself, doing math puzzles or playing video games. Then, when I got to middle school, I joined lacrosse and soccer teams. I wanted to play football, but we couldn't find a helmet that fit. I didn't do it because I was some great athletic talent. In fact, I wasn't. I was overweight and out of shape. But I was seriously competitive, and I loved playing games. I loved winning, and, even more than that, I hated losing. That had been true when I was a child playing Monopoly with my mother, but it became especially clear when I was playing sports.
What I hadn't expected, though, was how much I loved being part of a team and how much I learned from it, especially when I joined the football team in high school. I had to learn how to communicate better. I had to learn when to take the lead on the field and in the locker room, and when to step back and give my support. I had to learn how to accept instruction and criticism from coaches. And there was a lot of it. I had to work hard, because, if I didn't, I wouldn't be letting my teammates down.


Don't get me wrong. I didn't always like the guys I was playing with. That didn't matter, though. We were in it together. I am convinced that every kid would benefit from being part of a team, not because of what playing team sports did for me as a football player, but because of what it did for me as a mathematician. It might seem like being a mathematician is a solitary pursuit. It's true, I spend a lot of time in a room by myself. But what I didn't expect is that I would also spend a lot of time working with other mathematicians, in other words, being on a team. It may sound crazy, but playing football helped me write my first research paper on the Sun-Jupiter-asteroid three-body problem. It took diligence and learning how to deal with feedback. People spend years in classrooms trying to gain the skills that will help them succeed, but some of the most important skills, I believe, are best learned on a field.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
instruction [in'strʌkʃən]


n. 说明,须知,指令,教学

convinced [kən'vinst]


adj. 信服的

communicate [kə'mju:nikeit]


v. 交流,传达,沟通

humble ['hʌmbl]


adj. 卑下的,谦逊的,粗陋的
vt. 使

awkward ['ɔ:kwəd]


adj. 笨拙的,尴尬的,(设计)别扭的

competitive [kəm'petitiv]


adj. 竞争的,比赛的

athletic [æθ'letik]


adj. 运动的,活跃的,健壮的

monopoly [mə'nɔpəli]


n. 垄断,专利,独占,控制

diligence ['dilidʒəns]


n. 勤奋

benefit ['benifit]


n. 利益,津贴,保险金,义卖,义演


关键字: 团队 PBS 橄榄球 学业




