Thirteen years ago, the Planet Earth wildlife documentary took us all on an amazing journey. We went from deep caves to the rainforests and the bottom of the ocean.
Now a new series, Our Planet, will showcase different animals and the influence of humans on the natural world. US entertainment company Netflix made the eight-episode journey available on April 5. The documentary contains footage from 50 countries and regions, and is the work of more than 600 crew members. It took more than four years to produce.
With the latest 4K video technology, the show allows audiences a sharp new look at nature, while hidden motion-detecting cameras capture animals in action.
US-based film website IndieWire writes about bright, big-eyed frogs crawling over vines in slow motion, as if transported from a Pixar movie. "People are given a chance to better get themselves into the lives of the animals," Alastair Fothergill, one of the show's producers, told BBC News.

Apart from showing Earth's beauty in new detail, the documentary also builds a commentary about the urgency of the planet's climate conditions. Fothergill did this with subtle warnings. "Our Planet is here to say, 'The planet is dying, and we're killing it. So cut that out'," the producer said.
In one sad scene, hundreds of walruses, half-blind when out of the water, fall down a rock to suffer a painful death on the beach below. It shows how manmade global warming has destroyed their natural habitat and explains why they've been forced to find refuge on the rocks.
"Their natural home is out on the sea ice, but the ice has retreated away to the north and this is the closest place to their feeding grounds," the documentary's narrator, David Attenborough, said in the episode. "They do so out of desperation."
But, it's not all about sadness. The series also talks about success stories, including Siberian tigers, blue whales and humpback whales. These species made remarkable recoveries thanks to international agreements. "They are a reminder of what human cooperation is capable of accomplishing ...," commented US-based news outlet Grist.
Urging more people to take action in protecting our planet is the final goal of the new documentary. "What we do in the next 20 years will determine the future for all life on Earth," Attenborough told the Guardian.