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  • Today, we complete the story "Rappaccini's Daughter." It was written by Nathaniel Hawthorne.
  • 今天,我们将讲完《拉帕奇尼医生的女儿》的故事,作者纳撒尼尔·霍桑。
  • Here is Kay Gallant with the second and final part of "Rappaccini's Daughter."
  • 现在由凯·格兰特带来第二部分,也是故事的最后一部分内容。
  • Many years ago, a young man named Giovanni Guasconti left his home in Naples to study in northern Italy.
  • 许多年前,一名叫乔瓦尼·古斯康蒂的年轻人离开他在那不勒斯的家到意大利北部学习。
  • He took a room in an old house next to a magnificent garden filled with strange flowers and other plants.
  • 他住在一所老房子里的一个房间中,旁边是一个华丽的花园,里面种满了奇花异草。
  • The garden belonged to a doctor, Giacomo Rappaccini. He lived with his daughter, Beatrice, in a small brown house in the garden.
  • 这个花园属于一位医生,贾科莫·拉帕奇尼。他和女儿比阿特丽斯住在花园里一所棕色的小房子里。
  • From a window of his room, Giovanni had seen that Rappaccini's daughter was very beautiful. But everyone in Padua was afraid of her father.
  • 从他房间的一扇窗户上,乔瓦尼看到拉帕奇尼的女儿非常漂亮。但是,帕多瓦的每个人都害怕她父亲。
  • Pietro Baglioni, a professor at the university, warned Giovanni about the mysterious Doctor Rappaccini.
  • 该大学教授皮埃特罗·巴格里奥尼警告乔瓦尼注意那位神秘的拉帕奇尼医生,
  • "He is a great scientist," Professor Baglioni told the young man. "But he is also dangerous. Rappaccini cares more about science than he does about people. 
  • 他是一位伟大的科学家,但是他很危险。比起人来说,拉帕奇尼更关心科学。
  • He has created many terrible poisons from the plants in his garden."
  • 他用花园里的植物制造了许多可怕的毒药。”
  • One day, Giovanni found a secret entrance to Rappaccini's garden. He went in. The plants all seemed wild and unnatural.
  • 一天,乔瓦尼发现了一条通往拉帕奇尼花园的秘密入口。他走了进去,里面的东西看起来都是野生的,非自然的植物。
  • Giovanni realized that Rappaccini must have created these strange and terrible flowers through his experiments.
  • 乔瓦尼意识到,拉帕奇尼一定是通过他的实验创造了这些奇怪而可怕的花。
  • Suddenly, Rappaccini's daughter came into the garden. She moved quickly among the flowers until she reached him.
  • 突然,拉帕奇尼的女儿走进花园,她迅速地在花丛中移动,直到她找到他。
  • Giovanni apologized for coming into the garden without an invitation. But Beatrice smiled at him and made him feel welcome.
  • 乔瓦尼为未经邀请进入花园而道歉,但是,比阿特丽斯对他微笑,这让他感到自己受到欢迎。
  • "I see you love flowers," she said. "And so you have come to take a closer look at my father's rare collection."
  • “我看你喜欢花,”她说,“所以你过来仔细看我父亲的珍藏。”
  • While she spoke, Giovanni noticed a perfume in the air around her. He wasn't sure if this wonderful smell came from the flowers or from her breath.
  • 当她说话时,乔瓦尼注意到她周围空气中有一种芳香。他不确定这美妙的气味是来自花朵,还是来自她的呼吸。
  • She asked him about his home and his family. She told him she had spent her life in this garden.
  • 她问他有关他的家庭和家人的情况。她告诉他,她一辈子都生活在这个花园里。
  • Giovanni felt as if he were talking to a very small child. Her spirit sparkled like clear water.
  • 乔瓦尼觉得自己好像在和一个很小的孩子说话,她的精神像清水一样闪闪发光。
  • They walked slowly though the garden as they talked. At last they reached a beautiful plant that was covered with large purple flowers.
  • 他们一边谈话,一边在花园里慢慢地走着。最后,他们来到一株美丽的植物前,上面开满了紫色的大花。
  • He realized that the perfume from those flowers was like the perfume of Beatrice's breath, but much stronger.
  • 他意识到那些花的香味就像比阿特丽斯呼吸的香味,但要浓郁得多。
  • The young man reached out to break off one of the purple flowers. But Beatrice gave a scream that went through his heart like a knife.
  • 年轻人伸手去摘一朵紫色的花。但是,比阿特丽斯发出了一声尖叫,那尖叫声像刀一样刺穿了他的心脏。
  • She caught his hand and pulled it away from the plant with all her strength.
  • 她抓住他的手,使劲把它从植物上拉下来。
  • "Don't ever touch those flowers!" she cried. "They will take your life!" Hiding her face, she ran into the house. Then, Giovanni saw Doctor Rappaccini standing in the garden.
  • “别碰那些花!”她大喊。“它们会夺走你的生命!”她掩面跑进屋里。然后,乔瓦尼看到拉帕奇尼医生站在花园里。
  • That night, Giovanni could not stop thinking about how sweet and beautiful Beatrice was. Finally, he fell asleep.
  • 那天晚上,乔瓦尼不停地想着比阿特丽斯是多么的甜美、美丽。最后,他睡着了。
  • But when the morning came, he woke up in great pain. He felt as if one of his hands was on fire.
  • 但当清晨来临时,他在痛苦万分之中醒来,觉得好像有一只手着火了。
  • It was the hand that Beatrice had grabbed in hers when he reached for one of the purple flowers.
  • 昨天在他伸手去摘一朵紫花时,比阿特丽斯正是用那只手抓住了他的手。
  • Giovanni looked down at his hand. There was a purple mark on it that looked like four small fingers and a little thumb.
  • 乔瓦尼低头看着自己的手,上面有一个紫色的印记,看起来像四个小手指和一个小拇指。
  • But because his heart was full of Beatrice, Giovanni forgot about the pain in his hand.
  • 但是,因为他的心里想的全是比阿特丽斯,乔瓦尼忘记了手上的疼痛。
  • He began to meet her in the garden every day. At last, she told him that she loved him. But she would never let him kiss her or even hold her hand.
  • 他开始每天在花园里见她。最后,她告诉他自己爱上了他。但她从不让他吻她,甚至不让他握住她的手。
  • One morning, several weeks later, Professor Baglioni visited Giovanni. "I was worried about you," the older man said.
  • 几周后的一天早晨,巴格里奥尼教授来拜访乔瓦尼。“我很担心你,”老人说,
  • "You have not come to your classes at the university for more than a month. Is something wrong?"
  • “你已经一个多月没来大学上课了,出什么事了吗?”
  • Giovanni was not pleased to see his old friend. "No, nothing is wrong. I am fine, thank you." He wanted Professor Baglioni to leave. But the old man took off his hat and sat down.
  • 乔瓦尼不高兴见到他的老朋友。“不,没出事。我很好,谢谢。”他想让巴格里奥尼教授离开,但是老人摘下帽子坐了下来。
  • "My dear Giovanni," he said. "You must stay away from Rappaccini and his daughter. Her father has given her poison from the time she was a baby.
  • “我亲爱的乔瓦尼,”他说,“你必须远离拉帕奇尼和他的女儿。她父亲在她小的时候就给她下毒,
  • The poison is in her blood and on her breath. If Rappaccini did this to his own daughter, what is he planning to do to you?"
  • 她的血液和呼吸中都有毒药。如果拉帕奇尼这样对自己的女儿,他打算对你做什么?”
  • Giovanni covered his face with his hands. "Oh my God!" he cried. "Don't worry, the old man continued.
  • 乔瓦尼用手捂住脸。“哦,天哪!”他大喊着。“别担心,”老人接着说,
  • "It is not too late to save you. And we may succeed in helping Beatrice, too. Do you see this little silver bottle?
  • “现在救你还不晚。我们也可以帮助比阿特丽斯。你看到这个银色的小瓶子了吗?
  • It holds a medicine that will destroy even the most powerful poison. Give it to your Beatrice to drink."
  • 它里面装着一种药,即使是药效最强的毒药也会被它摧毁。把它给比阿特丽斯,让她喝了。”
  • Professor Baglioni put the little bottle on the table and left Giovanni's room.
  • 巴格里奥尼教授把小瓶子放在桌子上,离开了乔瓦尼的房间。
  • The young man wanted to believe that Beatrice was a sweet and innocent girl. And yet, Professor Baglioni's words had put doubts in his heart.
  • 这个年轻人想相信,比阿特丽斯是一个可爱又天真的女孩。然而,巴格里奥尼教授的话却让他心中充满了疑虑。
  • It was nearly time for his daily meeting with Beatrice. As Giovanni combed his hair, he looked at himself in a mirror near his bed.
  • 差不多到了他每天和比阿特丽斯见面的时间了,乔瓦尼梳头时,在床边的镜子里看着自己。
  • He could not help noticing how handsome he was. His eyes looked particularly bright. And his face had a healthy warm glow.
  • 他不禁注意到自己是多么英俊。他的眼睛看起来特别明亮,脸上散发着健康温暖的光芒。
  • He said to himself, "At least her poison has not gotten into my body yet."
  • 他自言自语地说:“至少她的毒药还没有进入我的身体。”说着,
  • As he spoke he happened to look at some flowers he had just bought that morning. A shock of horror went through his body.
  • 他碰巧看到那天早上刚买的一些花。他全身一阵惊恐。
  • The flowers were turning brown! Giovanni's face became very white as he stared at himself in the mirror.
  • 这些花正在变成棕色!乔瓦尼盯着镜子里的自己,脸色变得非常苍白。
  • Then he noticed a spider crawling near his window. He bent over the insect and blew a breath of air at it.
  • 然后,他注意到一只蜘蛛在他的窗户附近爬行。他俯身对着那只昆虫吹了一口气。
  • The spider trembled, and fell dead. "I am cursed," Giovanni whispered to himself. "My own breath is poison."
  • 蜘蛛战栗着,倒在地上死了。“我被诅咒了,”乔瓦尼自言自语道,“我自己的呼吸是有毒的。”
  • At that moment, a rich, sweet voice came floating up from the garden. "Giovanni! You are late. Come down."
  • 就在那一刻,花园里传来了一个低沉而甜美的声音。“乔瓦尼!你迟到了,下来吧。”
  • "You are a monster!" Giovanni shouted as soon as he reached her. "And with your poison you have made me into a monster, too. I am a prisoner of this garden."
  • “你真是个怪物!”乔瓦尼一见到她就大声喊道。“你的毒药也把我变成了怪物,我是这个花园的囚徒。”
  • "Giovanni!" Beatrice cried, looking at him with her large bright eyes. "Why are you saying these terrible things?
  • “乔瓦尼!”比阿特丽斯哭了,用她明亮的大眼睛看着他。“你为什么说这些可怕的话?
  • It is true that I can never leave this garden. But you are free to go wherever you wish."
  • 我真的不能离开这个花园。但是,你可以随心所欲地去任何地方。”
  • Giovanni looked at her with hate in his eyes. "Don't pretend that you don't know what you have done to me."
  • 乔瓦尼眼中充满仇恨地看着她。“不要假装你不知道你对我做了什么。”
  • A group of insects had flown into the garden. They came toward Giovanni and flew around his head. He blew his breath at them. The insects fell to the ground, dead.
  • 一群昆虫飞进了花园,他们朝着乔瓦尼飞来,绕着他的头飞去。他向它们吹了一口气,昆虫倒在地上,死了。
  • Beatrice screamed. "I see it! I see it! My father's science has done this to us. Believe me, Giovanni, I did not ask him to do this to you. I only wanted to love you."
  • 比阿特丽斯尖叫到,“我看到了!我看到了!我父亲的科学让我们变成了这样。相信我,乔瓦尼,我没有让他这样对你。我只想爱你。”
  • Giovanni's anger changed to sadness. Then, he remembered the medicine that Professor Baglioni had given him.
  • 乔瓦尼的愤怒变成了悲伤。然后,他想起了巴格里奥尼教授给他的药。
  • Perhaps the medicine would destroy the poison in their bodies and help them to become normal again.
  • 也许这种药能破坏他们体内的毒素,帮助他们恢复正常。
  • "Dear Beatrice," he said, "our fate is not so terrible." He showed her the little silver bottle and told her what the medicine inside it might do.
  • “亲爱的比阿特丽斯,”他说,“我们的命运并不可怕。”他把那个银色的小瓶子拿给她看,告诉她里面的药会起什么作用。
  • "I will drink first," she said. "You must wait to see what happens to me before you drink it."
  • “我先喝,”她说,“你一定要等着看到我的情况后再喝。”
  • She put Baglioni's medicine to her lips and took a small sip. At the same moment, Rappaccini came out of his house and walked slowly toward the two young people.
  • 她把巴格利奥尼的药放在嘴唇上,小口喝了一口。就在这时,拉帕奇尼走出家门,慢慢走向两个年轻人。
  • He spread his hands out to them as if he were giving them a blessing.
  • 他向他们伸出双手,好像在祝福他们。
  • "My daughter," he said, "you are no longer alone in the world. Give Giovanni one of the purple flowers from your favorite plant.
  • “我的女儿,”他说,“你在这个世界上不再孤单了,从你最喜欢的植物中选一朵紫色的花送给乔瓦尼吧。
  • It will not hurt him now. My science and your love have made him different from ordinary men."
  • 现在不会伤到他了,我的科学和你的爱使他不同于普通人。”
  • "My father," Beatrice said weakly, "why did you do this terrible thing to your own child?"
  • “我的父亲,”比阿特丽斯虚弱地说,“你为什么对自己的孩子做这种可怕的事?”
  • Rappaccini looked surprised. "What do you mean, my daughter?" he asked. "You have power no other woman has.
  • 拉帕奇尼看起来很惊讶。“你什么意思,女儿?”他问,“你拥有其他女人所没有的力量。
  • You can defeat your strongest enemy with only your breath. Would you rather be a weak woman?"
  • 你可以用你的呼吸打败最强大的敌人,而你宁愿做一个软弱的女人吗?”
  • "I want to be loved, not feared," Beatrice replied. "But now, it does not matter. I am leaving you, father. I am going where the poison you have given me will do no harm. Good bye to you, Giovanni."
  • “我想被爱,而不是害怕,”比阿特丽斯回答说,“但现在,这无关紧要了。我要离开你,父亲。我要到一个你给我的毒药不会伤害我的地方去。再见,乔瓦尼。”
  • Beatrice dropped to the ground. She died at the feet of her father and Giovanni.
  • 比阿特丽斯倒在地上,她死在了父亲和乔瓦尼的脚下。
  • The poison had been too much a part of the young woman. The medicine that destroyed the poison, destroyed her, as well.
  • 这个年轻姑娘体内的毒药已经太多了,那瓶药摧毁了毒药,也摧毁了她。

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Today, we complete the story "Rappaccini's Daughter." It was written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Here is Kay Gallant with the second and final part of "Rappaccini's Daughter." Many years ago, a young man named Giovanni Guasconti left his home in Naples to study in northern Italy. He took a room in an old house next to a magnificent garden filled with strange flowers and other plants. The garden belonged to a doctor, Giacomo Rappaccini. He lived with his daughter, Beatrice, in a small brown house in the garden. From a window of his room, Giovanni had seen that Rappaccini's daughter was very beautiful. But everyone in Padua was afraid of her father. Pietro Baglioni, a professor at the university, warned Giovanni about the mysterious Doctor Rappaccini. "He is a great scientist," Professor Baglioni told the young man. "But he is also dangerous. Rappaccini cares more about science than he does about people. He has created many terrible poisons from the plants in his garden."
One day, Giovanni found a secret entrance to Rappaccini's garden. He went in. The plants all seemed wild and unnatural. Giovanni realized that Rappaccini must have created these strange and terrible flowers through his experiments. Suddenly, Rappaccini's daughter came into the garden. She moved quickly among the flowers until she reached him. Giovanni apologized for coming into the garden without an invitation. But Beatrice smiled at him and made him feel welcome. "I see you love flowers," she said. "And so you have come to take a closer look at my father's rare collection." While she spoke, Giovanni noticed a perfume in the air around her. He wasn't sure if this wonderful smell came from the flowers or from her breath. She asked him about his home and his family. She told him she had spent her life in this garden. Giovanni felt as if he were talking to a very small child. Her spirit sparkled like clear water. They walked slowly though the garden as they talked. At last they reached a beautiful plant that was covered with large purple flowers. He realized that the perfume from those flowers was like the perfume of Beatrice's breath, but much stronger.
The young man reached out to break off one of the purple flowers. But Beatrice gave a scream that went through his heart like a knife. She caught his hand and pulled it away from the plant with all her strength. "Don't ever touch those flowers!" she cried. "They will take your life!" Hiding her face, she ran into the house. Then, Giovanni saw Doctor Rappaccini standing in the garden. That night, Giovanni could not stop thinking about how sweet and beautiful Beatrice was. Finally, he fell asleep. But when the morning came, he woke up in great pain. He felt as if one of his hands was on fire. It was the hand that Beatrice had grabbed in hers when he reached for one of the purple flowers. Giovanni looked down at his hand. There was a purple mark on it that looked like four small fingers and a little thumb. But because his heart was full of Beatrice, Giovanni forgot about the pain in his hand. He began to meet her in the garden every day. At last, she told him that she loved him. But she would never let him kiss her or even hold her hand.
One morning, several weeks later, Professor Baglioni visited Giovanni. "I was worried about you," the older man said. "You have not come to your classes at the university for more than a month. Is something wrong?" Giovanni was not pleased to see his old friend. "No, nothing is wrong. I am fine, thank you." He wanted Professor Baglioni to leave. But the old man took off his hat and sat down. "My dear Giovanni," he said. "You must stay away from Rappaccini and his daughter. Her father has given her poison from the time she was a baby. The poison is in her blood and on her breath. If Rappaccini did this to his own daughter, what is he planning to do to you?" Giovanni covered his face with his hands. "Oh my God!" he cried. "Don't worry, the old man continued. "It is not too late to save you. And we may succeed in helping Beatrice, too. Do you see this little silver bottle? It holds a medicine that will destroy even the most powerful poison. Give it to your Beatrice to drink." Professor Baglioni put the little bottle on the table and left Giovanni's room. The young man wanted to believe that Beatrice was a sweet and innocent girl. And yet, Professor Baglioni's words had put doubts in his heart.




It was nearly time for his daily meeting with Beatrice. As Giovanni combed his hair, he looked at himself in a mirror near his bed. He could not help noticing how handsome he was. His eyes looked particularly bright. And his face had a healthy warm glow. He said to himself, "At least her poison has not gotten into my body yet." As he spoke he happened to look at some flowers he had just bought that morning. A shock of horror went through his body. The flowers were turning brown! Giovanni's face became very white as he stared at himself in the mirror. Then he noticed a spider crawling near his window. He bent over the insect and blew a breath of air at it. The spider trembled, and fell dead. "I am cursed," Giovanni whispered to himself. "My own breath is poison." At that moment, a rich, sweet voice came floating up from the garden. "Giovanni! You are late. Come down." "You are a monster!" Giovanni shouted as soon as he reached her. "And with your poison you have made me into a monster, too. I am a prisoner of this garden." "Giovanni!" Beatrice cried, looking at him with her large bright eyes. "Why are you saying these terrible things? It is true that I can never leave this garden. But you are free to go wherever you wish."
Giovanni looked at her with hate in his eyes. "Don't pretend that you don't know what you have done to me." A group of insects had flown into the garden. They came toward Giovanni and flew around his head. He blew his breath at them. The insects fell to the ground, dead. Beatrice screamed. "I see it! I see it! My father's science has done this to us. Believe me, Giovanni, I did not ask him to do this to you. I only wanted to love you." Giovanni's anger changed to sadness. Then, he remembered the medicine that Professor Baglioni had given him. Perhaps the medicine would destroy the poison in their bodies and help them to become normal again. "Dear Beatrice," he said, "our fate is not so terrible." He showed her the little silver bottle and told her what the medicine inside it might do. "I will drink first," she said. "You must wait to see what happens to me before you drink it." She put Baglioni's medicine to her lips and took a small sip. At the same moment, Rappaccini came out of his house and walked slowly toward the two young people. He spread his hands out to them as if he were giving them a blessing.
"My daughter," he said, "you are no longer alone in the world. Give Giovanni one of the purple flowers from your favorite plant. It will not hurt him now. My science and your love have made him different from ordinary men." "My father," Beatrice said weakly, "why did you do this terrible thing to your own child?" Rappaccini looked surprised. "What do you mean, my daughter?" he asked. "You have power no other woman has. You can defeat your strongest enemy with only your breath. Would you rather be a weak woman?" "I want to be loved, not feared," Beatrice replied. "But now, it does not matter. I am leaving you, father. I am going where the poison you have given me will do no harm. Good bye to you, Giovanni." Beatrice dropped to the ground. She died at the feet of her father and Giovanni. The poison had been too much a part of the young woman. The medicine that destroyed the poison, destroyed her, as well.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
prisoner ['prizənə]


n. 囚犯

innocent ['inəsnt]


adj. 清白的,无辜的,无害的,天真纯洁的,无知的

collection [kə'lekʃən]


n. 收集,收取,聚集,收藏品,募捐

pretend [pri'tend]


v. 假装,装作
adj. 假装的

invitation [.invi'teiʃən]


n. 邀请,招待,邀请函,引诱,招致

sip [sip]


n. 啜饮
v. 啜饮,啜

spider ['spaidə]


n. 蜘蛛

bent [bent]


bend的过去式和过去分词 adj. 下定决心的,弯曲的

perfume ['pə:fju:m,pə'fju:m]


n. 香水,香气
vt. 使香气弥漫

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮





