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CRI News Report:新疆维吾尔自治区发生6.4级地震

来源:可可英语 编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Beijing has reported two new cases of pneumonia caused by a new-type coronavirus.
  • 北京报告了两例新型冠状病毒感染肺炎的病例。
  • The announcement came one day after Guangdong Province reported the first case of the disease in that province.
  • 这一通告发布前一天,广东省报告了该省首例病例。
  • All three of the patients traveled to Wuhan before falling ill, that city has seen nearly 200 people infected by the disease so far.
  • 这三名患者在发病前都曾到过武汉,到目前为止,武汉已有近200人感染这一疾病。
  • Three of the patients in Wuhan have died while 25 others have been discharged from hospital.
  • 武汉有3名患者死亡,另有25人已出院。
  • Li Gang is the director of Wuhan Center for Disease Prevention and Control.
  • 李刚是武汉市疾病预防控制中心主任。
  • He says the disease is still preventable and controllable.
  • 他表示,这种疾病仍然是可以预防和控制的。
  • "This new coronavirus pneumonia doesn't have strong infectivity.
  • “这种新型冠状病毒肺炎没有很强的传染性,
  • We cannot rule out the possibility of a human-to-human transmission. But the chance of continuation of such spread is low."
  • 我们不排除人传人的可能性,但这种传播的可能性很低。”
  • The National Health Commission says the source of the virus remains unclear, but measures will be taken to identify it.
  • 国家卫生健康委员会表示,该病毒的来源尚不清楚,但将采取措施对其进行识别。
  • Work will also be carried out to prevent the spread of the virus,
  • 同时还将开展工作以防止病毒传播,
  • detect and treat infections in time, and strengthen the monitoring of its mutation.
  • 及时发现和治疗感染并加强对病毒突变的监测。
  • At least three people have been injured after a 6.4-magnitude earthquake took place in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
  • 新疆维吾尔自治区发生6.4级地震,造成至少3人受伤。
  • 17-thousand households have been left without power.
  • 1.7万户家庭断电。
  • Over 110 maintenance personnel have been dispatched to restore electricity.
  • 110名维修人员已被派往受影响地区恢复供电。
  • The quake jolted Jiashi County in Kashgar Prefecture.
  • 地震发生在喀什地区伽师县。
  • It was followed by at least eight aftershocks.
  • 随后发生了至少八次余震。
  • China has completed an important test of the rocket engine that will be used in its first Mars mission.
  • 中国已完成火箭发动机的重要测试,该火箭发动机将用于首次火星任务。
  • The ground test of the high thrust hydrogen oxygen engine lasted 100 seconds on Sunday.
  • 周日,高推力氢氧发动机进行了100秒测试。
  • Experts say that the data collected during the process are enough to ensure the engine works smoothly during the real launch.
  • 专家表示,在此过程中收集的数据足以确保引擎在实际启动过程中平稳运行。
  • The engine will soon be installed on the latest version of the Long March-5 rocket, the largest carrier rocket of the country.
  • 该发动机将很快安装在最新的长征五号火箭上,长征五号是中国最大的运载火箭。
  • China's first mission to Mars is scheduled for later this year.
  • 中国将于今年下半年进行首次火星任务。
  • China has released an ambitious plan to limit the production and use of certain plastic products in the next five years to contain pollution.
  • 中国发布了一项宏大的计划,限制未来五年内某些塑料产品的生产和使用以控制污染。
  • The production and sales of single-use foam plastic tableware and plastic swabs will be banned by the end of this year.
  • 到今年年底,将禁止生产及销售一次性泡沫塑料餐具和塑料棉签。
  • For daily chemicals containing plastic micro beads, production will be banned this year while sales will stop by 2022.
  • 今年将禁止生产含有塑料微珠的日常化学品,到2022年将停止销售含有塑料微珠的日常化学品。
  • Meantime, a complete plastics management system is expected by 2025.
  • 同时,2025年将有望实现完整的塑料管理系统。
  • German Chancellor Angela Merkel says
  • 德国总理安格拉·默克尔表示,
  • countries with interests in Libya's conflict have agreed to respect the arms embargo in the North African country.
  • 利比亚冲突各方同意尊重对这个北非国家实施的武器禁运。
  • She made the remarks when hosting the Libya Conference in Berlin.
  • 她在柏林主持比利亚会议时发表了上述言论。
  • "We have had very intensive and serious negotiations here in Berlin this afternoon
  • “我们今天下午在柏林进行了非常紧张的认真的谈判,
  • and in doing so we have contributed to a new political approach, a new political impulse,
  • 在此过程中,我们促成了一种新的政治途径,一种新的政治推动,
  • to generate hope for the people and hope for peace in the Libyan conflict."
  • 为人民带来希望,为利比亚冲突带来和平的希望。”
  • The conference was attended by representatives from 11 countries outside Libya as well as international organizations including the UN, the European Union and the African Union.
  • 来自利比亚以外11个国家以及联合国、欧盟和非洲欧盟等国际组织的代表出席了会议。
  • Merkel says all participants in the conference agreed that a political solution is needed instead of military intervention.
  • 默克尔表示,所有与会人员一致认为,所需的是政治解决方案,而不是军事干预。
  • She says the participants agreed to provide no further military support to the warring parties in Libya.
  • 她表示,与会国家同意不再向利比亚交战各方提供军事支持。
  • Iran is warning Europeans that Tehran may reconsider its cooperation with the UN atomic watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency.
  • 伊朗警告欧洲称,伊朗政府可能会重新考虑与联合国原子能监督机构国际原子能机构的合作。
  • Iranian parliament speaker Ali Larijani made the remarks at the opening session of the parliament.
  • 伊朗议会议长阿里·拉里贾尼在议会开幕会议上发表了讲话。
  • "I announce that, if Europe, for any reason, shows unfair behavior in using Chapter 37 of the nuclear agreement,
  • “我宣布,如果欧洲出于任何原因在应用伊朗核协议第37章方面表现出不公平的行为,
  • we will make the decision about cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency."
  • 我们将重新考虑与国际原子能机构的合作。”
  • Britain, France and Germany have triggered a dispute system to try and bring Iran back into compliance with unraveling the 2015 nuclear agreement.
  • 英国、法国和德国启动了一项争端解决机制,试图让伊朗重新遵守2015年签署的伊朗核协议。
  • The deal has been on the verge of collapse since US president Donald Trump withdrew from the deal.
  • 自美国总统唐纳德·特朗普退出该协议以来,这一协议一直处于崩溃边缘。
  • Iran has moved away from the deal in response, saying it now has no limits for nuclear enrichment.
  • 作为回应,伊朗已退出该协议,称其现在对核浓缩没有限制。
  • The remains of 11 Ukrainians who died in a plane crash near Tehran have arrived in Kyiv.
  • 在德黑兰附近空难中丧生的11名乌克兰人的遗体已抵达基辅。
  • A farewell ceremony for the victims was held with officials including Ukraine's President and Prime Minister attending.
  • 包括乌克兰总统和总理在内的官员为遇难者举行了告别仪式。
  • Iran has admitted responsibility for accidentally shooting down the Ukraine International Airlines plane shortly after it took off from Tehran.
  • 一架乌克兰国际航空公司的客机从德黑兰起飞后不久被意外击落,伊朗已承认对此负责。
  • The plane crash killed all 176 people on board.
  • 这起空难致机上176人全部丧生。
  • Iran is trying to decode the plane's black box before planning to send it to a second country.
  • 伊朗正试图在将飞机的黑匣子送往另一个国家之前对其进行解码。


Beijing has reported two new cases of pneumonia caused by a new-type coronavirus.
The announcement came one day after Guangdong Province reported the first case of the disease in that province.
All three of the patients traveled to Wuhan before falling ill, that city has seen nearly 200 people infected by the disease so far.
Three of the patients in Wuhan have died while 25 others have been discharged from hospital.
Li Gang is the director of Wuhan Center for Disease Prevention and Control.
He says the disease is still preventable and controllable.
"This new coronavirus pneumonia doesn't have strong infectivity. We cannot rule out the possibility of a human-to-human transmission. But the chance of continuation of such spread is low."
The National Health Commission says the source of the virus remains unclear, but measures will be taken to identify it.
Work will also be carried out to prevent the spread of the virus, detect and treat infections in time, and strengthen the monitoring of its mutation.
At least three people have been injured after a 6.4-magnitude earthquake took place in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
17-thousand households have been left without power.
Over 110 maintenance personnel have been dispatched to restore electricity.
The quake jolted Jiashi County in Kashgar Prefecture.
It was followed by at least eight aftershocks.

China has completed an important test of the rocket engine that will be used in its first Mars mission.
The ground test of the high thrust hydrogen oxygen engine lasted 100 seconds on Sunday.
Experts say that the data collected during the process are enough to ensure the engine works smoothly during the real launch.
The engine will soon be installed on the latest version of the Long March-5 rocket, the largest carrier rocket of the country.
China's first mission to Mars is scheduled for later this year.
China has released an ambitious plan to limit the production and use of certain plastic products in the next five years to contain pollution.
The production and sales of single-use foam plastic tableware and plastic swabs will be banned by the end of this year.
For daily chemicals containing plastic micro beads, production will be banned this year while sales will stop by 2022.
Meantime, a complete plastics management system is expected by 2025.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel says countries with interests in Libya's conflict have agreed to respect the arms embargo in the North African country.
She made the remarks when hosting the Libya Conference in Berlin.
"We have had very intensive and serious negotiations here in Berlin this afternoon and in doing so we have contributed to a new political approach, a new political impulse, to generate hope for the people and hope for peace in the Libyan conflict."
The conference was attended by representatives from 11 countries outside Libya as well as international organizations including the UN, the European Union and the African Union.
Merkel says all participants in the conference agreed that a political solution is needed instead of military intervention.
She says the participants agreed to provide no further military support to the warring parties in Libya.
Iran is warning Europeans that Tehran may reconsider its cooperation with the UN atomic watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
Iranian parliament speaker Ali Larijani made the remarks at the opening session of the parliament.
"I announce that, if Europe, for any reason, shows unfair behavior in using Chapter 37 of the nuclear agreement, we will make the decision about cooperation with the (International Atomic Energy) Agency. The bill is ready at the parliament."
Britain, France and Germany have triggered a dispute system to try and bring Iran back into compliance with unraveling the 2015 nuclear agreement.
The deal has been on the verge of collapse since US president Donald Trump withdrew from the deal.
Iran has moved away from the deal in response, saying it now has no limits for nuclear enrichment.
The remains of 11 Ukrainians who died in a plane crash near Tehran have arrived in Kyiv.
A farewell ceremony for the victims was held with officials including Ukraine's President and Prime Minister attending.
Iran has admitted responsibility for accidentally shooting down the Ukraine International Airlines plane shortly after it took off from Tehran.
The plane crash killed all 176 people on board.
Iran is trying to decode the plane's black box before planning to send it to a second country.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
strengthen ['streŋθən]


v. 加强,变坚固

pollution [pə'lu:ʃən]


n. 污染,污染物

personnel [.pə:sə'nel]


n. 职员,人事部门

spread [spred]


v. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒

ambitious [æm'biʃəs]


adj. 有雄心的,有抱负的,野心勃勃的

announcement [ə'naunsmənt]


n. 通知,发表,宣布

conference ['kɔnfərəns]


n. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会

decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策

dispute [di'spju:t]


v. 争论,争议,辩驳,质疑
n. 争论,争吵

prevention [pri'venʃən]


n. 阻止,妨碍,预防


关键字: 讲解 CRI 伊朗 地震 病毒




