Fighting a natural reflex
We touch our faces all the time, and it has never seemed to be a big problem – until COVID-19 arrived. Touching our faces – the "T-zone" of our eyes, nose and mouth in particular – can mean giving ourselves the deadly virus.
This is why organizations like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have suggested that we avoid touching our faces. "Just stop this simple behavior," William Sawyer, founder of Henry the Hand, a nonprofit organization that promotes hand hygiene, told The Washington Post. "It's the one behavior that would be better than any vaccine ever created."
这便是疾病预防控制中心等组织建议大家不要摸脸的原因。“别做这个简单的动作,”宣传手部卫生的非盈利组织“Henry the Hand”的发起人威廉·索耶在接受《华盛顿邮报》采访时如此表示。“这样做(不摸脸)比研发出来的任何一种疫苗都有效。”
Yet, stopping this "simple" behavior might be harder than you think because it's already hardwired into our system.

Some face touching is an automatic reflex – like when there is an itch on your nose, you'll scratch it without thinking. According to CNBC, a 2014 study found that touching your face also helps reduce stress and regulate emotions. For example, you're more likely to do it when you feel awkward or embarrassed. According to Dacher Keltner, a psychologist at the University of California Berkeley, US, this action may also come with a social function: When you are talking to someone and want to change the subject, for example, touching your face is like "the curtains on a stage, closing up one act of the social drama, ushering in the next," Keltner told the BBC.
Moreover, face-touching in almost all of these occasions is subconscious, which means it's very hard to change "because you don't even know you're doing it", said Sawyer.
But you're not alone. In a 2015 study, where a group of medical students were filmed in class, it was found that they touched their faces an average of 23 times an hour – with 44 percent of the touches being in the "T-zones". That was particularly surprising since medical students were supposed to know better.
Since it's so hard to shake the habit, maybe the easiest way is to wash our hands more often. This way, we can be sure that our hands are free from the novel coronavirus.