1.photo-op 媒体拍照机会
The meeting between the two Presidents was followed by a photo op.
两位总统会面后接受媒体拍照 。
2.all over the place 到处
Still, it'll stop him rampaging all over the place like a bull in a china shop.
尽管如此,这将会让他不再像个冒失鬼一样到处横冲直撞了 。
3.law-abiding 遵纪守法的
By and large, these people are peace-loving, law-abiding citizens.
大体上,这些人都是热爱和平、遵纪守法的公民 。
4.walk away 走开
No one knows you're a part of this. You can just walk away.
没人知道这件事与你有关 。你可以置身事外 。
5.come out 出现
The truth is beginning to come out about what happened
真相开始逐渐浮出水面 。