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  • NASA astronauts Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley are preparing to begin their return to earth from the International Space station this evening.
  • 美国宇航局宇航员罗伯特·本肯和道格拉斯·赫尔利准备今晚从国际空间站返回地球。
  • Their historic mission aboard the SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule will mark the first manned launch and return of a commercially built and operated American spacecraft.
  • 他们乘坐SpaceX龙飞船的历史性任务将标志着美国商业建造和运营的航天器首次载人发射和返回。
  • The Dragon Endeavor has been docked at the space station since May and is expected to splash down tomorrow afternoon.
  • “奋进号”自5月以来一直停靠在空间站,预计将于明天下午溅落。
  • I spoke with Dave Mosher, senior space correspondent with Business Insider about the astronauts scheduled trip back home.
  • 我和《商业内幕》的资深太空记者戴夫·莫舍谈了宇航员计划回国的行程。
  • Dave, there was a lot of excitement when the Dragon capsule from SpaceX took U.S. astronauts up into space.
  • 戴夫,SpaceX通过龙飞船载美国宇航员进入太空,这新闻实在让人激动。
  • There's a little excitement on the way down because these capsules are supposed to splash down in the water like back in the old days.
  • 但回程依然令人兴奋,因为太空舱将会像以前一样溅落在水中。
  • What's it gonna look like when this capsule re-enters Earth?
  • 当这个太空舱再次进入地球时会是什么样子?
  • Well, what we're first going to see is an undocking procedure, which is this the Crew Dragon spaceship, moving away from the International Space Station.
  • 嗯嗯,我们首先要看到的是一个脱离程序,也就是龙飞船脱离国际空间站。
  • And then that starts a journey of anywhere from 6 to 30 hours before they actually land back on Earth.
  • 然后在它们真正着陆之前,开始一段从6到30小时的旅程。
  • We're not going to see a lot of those stages after they leave the space station just because they're in space.
  • 在他们离开空间站后,我们不会看到太多这样的阶段,仅仅因为他们在太空中。
  • But what's going to happen is the spaceship is going to get rid of this trunk, the cylindrical thing full of the solar panels and the fuel and all the stuff,
  • 但接下来会发生的是飞船会把这个箱子,装满太阳能电池板,燃料和所有东西的圆柱形物体扔掉,
  • and then it's going to start entering the atmosphere. And shortly after that, we're going to start getting telescopic views of the Crew Dragon coming back.
  • 然后开始进入大气层。在那之后不久,我们将开始用望远镜观察龙飞船的返回。
  • It's gonna look like a red hot kind of white dot in the sky. And NASA is going to try to follow this all the way to the ground.
  • 它看起来就像天空中一个火红的白点,然后美宇航局会全程跟踪到地面。
  • They're going to deploy the parachutes. We're going to see those parachutes come out from ground cameras, cameras on boats and airplanes.
  • 他们要展开降落伞。我们可以从地面摄像机,船上摄像机和飞机摄像机看到太空舱打开降落伞。
  • And we're going to see the splashdown in the ocean and see a bunch of boats diverging on that that capsule to get those astronauts out of there
  • 我们将看到飞溅的海水,还有为此分派的轮船,宇航员会从太空舱出来,
  • before they puke their guts out and get them back to recovery boat, get them all checked out by some doctors
  • 他们胃部的食物也会全部吐出来,之后回到回收船,并让医生进行检查。
  • and we're going to see a lot of that footage. And then we're gonna see them whisked away to land via helicopter from that recovery boat.
  • 我们会看到很多这样的镜头。之后是直升机在回收船上将宇航员接走。
  • So there is a little concern now. Florida is bracing for hurricane Isaias. What does that do to the weather and the conditions and where the astronauts can land?
  • 所以现在有点担心。佛罗里达正准备迎接飓风“伊萨亚斯”。这对天气和条件以及宇航员可以在哪里着陆有什么影响?
  • Yeah, this is a pretty stunning moment to try to perform a highly important experimental test mission
  • 是的,这是一个非常令人震惊的时刻,去执行一个非常重要的实验性试验任务,
  • in which you're proving that a brand new spaceship can safely return people to Earth, like take them up to space and take them back to Earth.
  • 你要证明一个全新的宇宙飞船可以安全地把人送回地球,比如把他们带到太空,然后把他们带回地球。
  • This hurricane is generating some extremely strong winds, lightning, weather, clouds, all the stuff you don't want.
  • 这场飓风会产生非常强的风,闪电,天气,云层,所有你不想要的东西。
  • But right now, they have several, as NASA says, out of these seven landing sites,
  • 但是现在,正如美国宇航局所说,在七个着陆点中,
  • three are on the Atlantic side and four on the Gulf Coast side, for this capsule to splashdown.
  • 有三个在大西洋一侧,四个在墨西哥湾沿岸,以便这个太空舱溅落下来。
  • Right now, hurricane is Isaias kind of looking to straight up the Atlantic side of Florida. So we're looking at a possible landing in the Gulf of Mexico at this point.
  • 现在,飓风正朝着佛罗里达的大西洋方向直冲。所以我们正在考虑在墨西哥湾登陆的可能性。
  • So how precise can they get on exactly where they want to land? And then how long does it take to get from space to that spot?
  • 那么,他们到底能在多大程度上确定他们想要降落的地点?从太空到那个地点要多长时间?
  • So the precision of the landing of this capsule is really good. We saw that with the demonstration one or demo one mission.
  • 所以这个太空舱着陆的精度非常好。我们看到了演示一号或演示一号任务。
  • They basically put it down right where the boat, the recovery boat was at.
  • 他们基本上放在了船,和回收船所在的位置。
  • It is astonishing what a bunch of engineers and aerospace scientists can can figure out in terms of the physics
  • 令人惊讶的是,一群工程师和航空航天科学家能从物理学
  • and like the wind conditions that can really nail the landing and pull the boat right up to where the capsule's going to be,
  • 和风的角度准确定位着陆点,然后将船准确放在该放的位置,
  • which is a good thing if you're coming back. You don't want to be in that capsule for too long because you're gonna really seasick going up and down on the waves.
  • 这对于从太空回来而言非常重要,因为你不想在太空舱待太久,因为你会在海浪中晕船。
  • So we're gonna be able to see this if they know exactly where it's going to land or we're going to see the capsule
  • 所以我们是否可以看到,他们真的知道准确的着陆点,或者在哪里看到太空舱,
  • with the parachutes coming down and splashing down in the water?
  • 以及降落伞打开,和溅落到水里的场景?
  • NASA is scrambling basically all resources that it can. It's even called on the Department of Defense to have emergency recovery vessels available.
  • 美国航天局基本上正在尽其所能地抢占所有资源。它甚至呼吁国防部提供紧急救援船。
  • They're going to have planes in the sky, boats in the water, you know, telescopes even to look for this capsule as it comes through the atmosphere.
  • 他们会有飞机在天上,船在水里,你知道,望远镜甚至可以在太空舱穿过大气层时寻找它。
  • And it's not just for our viewing pleasure here. They are trying to get as much data as they can about this return, because the goal of this mission,
  • 这不仅仅是为了我们的观赏乐趣。他们正试图获得尽可能多的关于这次返回的数据,因为这次任务的目标,
  • the demonstration 2 or demo 2 mission, is to show that this capsule is safe to take people to and from space, not just any people, but civilians.
  • 就是演示2或演示2的任务,是为了证明这个太空舱是安全的,可以载人往返太空,不仅仅是任何人,还有平民。
  • Tom Cruise wants to go up in this with his director this space capsule, the Crew Dragon, and film a movie at the International Space Station.
  • 汤姆·克鲁斯想和导演一同进入龙飞船,在国际空间站拍摄一部电影。所以他们必须表现出来。
  • So they've got to show that this is really safe. And part of that is collecting as much data as they can.
  • 这真的很安全。其中一部分是尽可能多地收集数据。
  • So they're going to be recording this out the wazoo. And we're going to be taking a really nice backseat armchair look at this,
  • 所以我们到时候进行大量录像,我们到时候会坐在后排座椅上观看。
  • because they're going to stream a lot of that footage directly to NASA TV.
  • 因为他们会将许多现场直播的画面传送给宇航局电台。
  • Dave Mosher, thanks so much for joining us.
  • 戴夫·莫舍,非常感谢你的消息。
  • My pleasure. Thanks for having me.
  • 我的荣幸。谢谢你邀请我。




1.brand new 崭新的

We are all wondering why the government is suddenly okaying a brand new school on the island.

2.brace for 准备

He braced himself for the icy plunge into the black water.

3.get rid of 拜托

I would be glad to get rid of them myself. But that is not our concern.
如果能亲自动手摆脱他们我会非常高兴,但那不是我们的分内之事G(g_Jwiq*0 supposed to 应该

If we cannot pin down exactly what we are supposed to be managing, how can we manage it?

5.a bunch of 一些


We saw the Park Keeper telling a bunch of older boys to get off the swings.




重点单词   查看全部解释    
astonishing [əs'tɔniʃiŋ]


adj. 惊人的 动词astonish的现在分词

hurricane ['hʌrikən]


n. 飓风,飓风般猛烈的东西

spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

lightning ['laitniŋ]


n. 闪电
adj. 闪电般的,快速的

experimental [iks.peri'mentl]


adj. 实验(性)的,试验(性)的

defense [di'fens]


n. 防卫,防卫物,辩护
vt. 防守

director [di'rektə, dai'rektə]


n. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演

recovery [ri'kʌvəri]


n. 恢复,复原,痊愈

brand [brænd]


n. 商标,牌子,烙印,标记
vt. 打烙印,

extremely [iks'tri:mli]


adv. 极其,非常





