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  • Google's parent company Alphabet announced plans this month to pay one billion dollars to news media for their stories over the next three years.
  • 谷歌母公司Alphabet本月宣布,计划在未来三年向新闻媒体支付10亿美元。
  • Reuters news agency says the move could help Alphabet win over a powerful group at a time of growing concern about technology companies and the rules that govern them.
  • 路透社表示,在人们越来越担心科技公司及其管理规则之际,此举可能有助于Alphabet赢得强大集团的支持。
  • For years, traditional news media have fought the world's most popular internet search engine.
  • 多年来,传统新闻媒体一直在与这个世界上最受欢迎的互联网搜索引擎抗衡。
  • News publishers want to be paid for their stories, pictures and other content. European media groups have been leading the fight.
  • 新闻出版商希望他们的故事、图片和其他内容能得到报酬。欧洲媒体集团一直在领导这场斗争。
  • The head of Alphabet, Sundar Pichai, announced last week that a new product called Google News Showcase will launch first in Germany.
  • Alphabet公司负责人桑达尔·皮查伊上周宣布,名为Google News Showcase的新产品将首先在德国推出。
  • The company has reached agreements with German newspapers including Der Spiegel, Stern, and Die Zeit.
  • 该公司已与《明镜周刊》、《明星周刊》和《时代周报》等德国报纸达成协议。
  • In Brazil, Alphabet has deals with the publications Folha de Sao Paulo, Band and Infobae.
  • 在巴西,Alphabet公司与《圣保罗报》、Band电视台和Infobae网站等有业务往来。
  • Google News Showcase will also use content from news media in Belgium, India, the Netherlands and other countries.
  • Google News Showcase还将使用比利时、印度、荷兰和其他国家新闻媒体的内容。
  • About 200 publishers in six countries have signed up to the product.
  • 目前六个国家约200家出版商已与该产品签订协议。
  • The six are Argentina, Australia, Britain, Brazil, Canada and Germany.
  • 这六个国家分别是阿根廷、澳大利亚、英国、巴西、加拿大和德国。
  • "This financial commitment — our biggest to date —
  • 皮查伊说,“这是我们迄今为止最大的一笔财政承诺,
  • will pay publishers to create... high-quality content for a different kind of online news experience," Pichai said.
  • 我们将为出版商支付费用,以创造高质量的内容并提供不同类型的在线新闻体验。”
  • Google's parent company Alphabet reported a net profit of $34.3 billion on earnings of almost $162 billion last year.
  • 谷歌母公司Alphabet报告称,其去年盈利近1620亿美元,净利润343亿美元。
  • The product will give publishers the ability to choose and present their stories on Google News.
  • 该产品将使出版商能够选择并在谷歌新闻上发表自己的故事。
  • The service will be offered first on Android devices and then on products made by Apple.
  • 这项服务将首先在安卓设备上提供,然后在苹果设备上提供。
  • German publisher the Spiegel Group welcomed the project.
  • 德国出版商明镜集团对该项目表示欢迎。
  • The Spiegel Group's Stefan Ottlitz noted, "Google shows that they are serious about supporting quality journalism in Germany.
  • 明镜集团的斯特凡·奥特利茨指出,“谷歌表明,他们对支持德国高质量新闻业是认真的。
  • We are happy to be part of (News Showcase) from the start."
  • 我们很高兴从一开始就参与其中。”
  • The European Publishers Council was critical of the project.
  • 欧洲出版商委员会对这个项目提出了批评。
  • The council's members include News UK, The Guardian, Pearson, The New York Times and Schibsted.
  • 该委员会的成员包括News UK、卫报、皮尔逊传媒出版公司、纽约时报和挪威希普斯泰德出版集团。
  • Angela Mills Wade is Executive Director of the EPC.
  • 安吉拉·米尔斯·韦德是欧洲出版商委员会的执行董事。
  • She said that by launching this product, Google can dictate terms and conditions,
  • 她表示,通过推出这个产品,谷歌可以规定条款和条件,
  • and possibly affect legislation designed to create conditions for a fair negotiation.
  • 并可能影响旨在为公平谈判创造条件的立法。
  • At the same time, she noted, the company can say it is helping to finance news production.
  • 同时,她指出,该公司可以说其是在帮助资助新闻制作。
  • Publishers in France have often criticized Google. Yet the company is now negotiating with them.
  • 法国出版商经常批评谷歌。然而,谷歌公司现在正在与他们谈判。
  • Australia wants to force Google and Facebook to share money earned from advertising with local media.
  • 澳大利亚希望迫使谷歌和脸谱网与当地媒体分享广告收入。
  • Other internet publishers are also critical of Google.
  • 其他互联网出版商也对谷歌持批评态度。
  • They note the company is paying news organizations but not weather websites or for other content.
  • 他们指出,谷歌计划向新闻机构付费,但没有向气象网站或其他内容付费。
  • I'm Gregory Stachel.
  • 我是格雷戈里·斯泰切尔。
  • And I'm Jill Robbins.
  • 我是吉尔·罗宾斯。

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Google to Pay $1 Billion to News Publishers
Google's parent company Alphabet announced plans this month to pay one billion dollars to news media for their stories over the next three years.
Reuters news agency says the move could help Alphabet win over a powerful group at a time of growing concern about technology companies and the rules that govern them.
For years, traditional news media have fought the world's most popular internet search engine. News publishers want to be paid for their stories, pictures and other content. European media groups have been leading the fight.
The head of Alphabet, Sundar Pichai, announced last week that a new product called Google News Showcase will launch first in Germany. The company has reached agreements with German newspapers including Der Spiegel, Stern, and Die Zeit. In Brazil, Alphabet has deals with the publications Folha de Sao Paulo, Band and Infobae.
Google News Showcase will also use content from news media in Belgium, India, the Netherlands and other countries. About 200 publishers in six countries have signed up to the product. The six are Argentina, Australia, Britain, Brazil, Canada and Germany.
"This financial commitmentour biggest to datewill pay publishers to create... high-quality content for a different kind of online news experience," Pichai said.
Google's parent company Alphabet reported a net profit of $34.3 billion on earnings of almost $162 billion last year.
The product will give publishers the ability to choose and present their stories on Google News. The service will be offered first on Android devices and then on products made by Apple.


German publisher the Spiegel Group welcomed the project.
The Spiegel Group's Stefan Ottlitz noted, "Google shows that they are serious about supporting quality journalism in Germany. We are happy to be part of (News Showcase) from the start."
The European Publishers Council was critical of the project. The council's members include News UK, The Guardian, Pearson, The New York Times and Schibsted.
Angela Mills Wade is Executive Director of the EPC. She said that by launching this product, Google can dictate terms and conditions, and possibly affect legislation designed to create conditions for a fair negotiation. At the same time, she noted, the company can say it is helping to finance news production.
Publishers in France have often criticized Google. Yet the company is now negotiating with them. Australia wants to force Google and Facebook to share money earned from advertising with local media.
Other internet publishers are also critical of Google. They note the company is paying news organizations but not weather websites or for other content.
I'm Gregory Stachel.
And I'm Jill Robbins.




重点单词   查看全部解释    
traditional [trə'diʃənəl]


adj. 传统的

commitment [kə'mitmənt]


n. 承诺,保证; 确定,实行

quality ['kwɔliti]


n. 品质,特质,才能
adj. 高品质的

affect [ə'fekt]


vt. 影响,作用,感动

director [di'rektə, dai'rektə]


n. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演

alphabet ['ælfəbit]


n. 字母表,基本原理(元素),符号系统

band [bænd]


n. 带,箍,波段
n. 队,一群,乐队

legislation [.ledʒis'leiʃən]


n. 立法,法律

announced [ə'naunst]



dictate [dik'teit]


vi. 听写
vt. 口述,口授


关键字: VOA慢速 新闻 谷歌 科技




