1. relate to 产生共鸣;认同;
He is unable to relate to other people.
他无法理解他人的想法 。
2. by the same token 同样地;由于同样的原因;
If you give up exercise, your muscles shrink and fat increases. By the same token, if you expend more energy you will lose fat.
停止锻炼会使肌肉萎缩、脂肪增加 。同样,如果花更多的精力锻炼,就会减掉脂肪 。
3. at the mercy of 完全由…支配;任由…摆布;
Buildings are left to decay at the mercy of vandals and the weather.
建筑物因人为的肆意破坏及日晒雨淋而日益破败 。
4. stand up to 对抗,抗争,抗拒(尤指比自己强的人);
He hit me, so I hit him back — the first time in my life I'd stood up to him.
他打了我,所以我就还手了——有生以来我第一次反抗他 。
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