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来源:可可英语 编辑:Kelly   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • And women like Hillary Clinton and Greta Thunberg have been subjects of these deepfake pornographic videos.
  • 希拉里·克林顿和格蕾塔·通贝里等女性一直是这些深度伪造色情视频的主题。
  • When you recently researched one well-known web site where people post these videos, you found that they were is only one video of former President Donald Trump, but pages of videos sexually explicitly depicting his wife, Melania, and daughter Ivanka.
  • 当你最近对发布这些视频的一个知名网站进行研究时,你会发现他们只有一个关于前总统唐纳德·特朗普的视频,但却有好几页明确描绘他妻子梅拉尼娅和女儿伊万卡的色情视频。
  • Are women the usual targets of these deepfake pornographic videos?
  • 女性是这些深度伪造色情视频的一般目标吗?
  • Yes, I think that's a really important point to make.
  • 是的,我认为这是非常重要的一点。
  • These models are trained on women's bodies.
  • 这些模特接受过女性身体的训练。
  • So even if you feed a male image into the kind of face-swap tools that exist, it's not going to work as well, because they have been created by men for the purpose of either demeaning women or pleasuring themselves.
  • 即使你把男性的形象输入到现有的面部交换工具中,也不会起作用,因为它们是由男性创造出来的,目的不是贬低女性,就是取悦男性自己。
  • And it just doesn't work as well on men's bodies.
  • 放在男性身体上效果不好。
  • And that's why we see that 96 percent figure of nonconsensual pornographic videos of women, I think, is an important point to make.
  • 这就是为什么我们看到96%的未经同意的女性色情视频,我认为,这是一个很重要的点。
  • And A.I. has made these videos more convincing.
  • 人工智能让这些视频更有说服力。
  • But even poorly edited videos known as cheapfakes can prove equally damaging.
  • 但事实证明,即使是被称为cheapfakes的剪辑拙劣的视频也同样具有破坏性。
  • What's the motive here?
  • 这么做的动机是什么?
  • I think the motive is just to, again, demean and discredit women who are in the public eye.
  • 我认为其动机只是再次贬低和抹黑公众视线下的女性。
  • As I said, the videos of me were actually posted on a web site for deepfake porn. It's not like they're mixed in there with the real porn, right?
  • 就像我说的,我的视频实际上是发布在一个深度伪造色情网站上的。它们又不是和真正的色情片混在一起的,对吧?
  • But, even so, the idea is to humiliate me, to show me in an instance in which -- would be extremely private, right.
  • 但是,即便如此,这个想法是为了羞辱我,让我看到一个非常私人的例子,对吧。
  • And this is entirely the point, the cheapfakes as well meant to cast doubt on somebody's integrity, meant to say that they are not fit for public office or public life.
  • 这就是问题的关键,cheapfakes这样的视频也会让人们对某人的正直产生怀疑,认为某人不适合担任公职、不适合出现在公共生活中。
  • And you have spent a lot of time on these forums where you can actually see -- watch the people interact that are posting these deepfake videos.
  • 你在这些论坛上花了很多时间,在那里你可以看到人们在发布这些深度伪造视频时的互动。
  • What did you see on those forums?
  • 你在这些论坛上看到了什么?
  • The men are very concerned about their own privacy.
  • 这些人非常关心自己的隐私。
  • They don't want to be found out for making these videos, but they're not concerned about the privacy of the women that they're making videos of.
  • 这些人不想被人们发现他们制作了这些视频,但他们不关心他们制作视频中的女性的隐私。
  • They say, if you're a public figure, if your image is out there, then they have the right to make this art, as they call it.
  • 他们说,如果你是公众人物,如果你的形象对外公开,那么他们就有权创造这种他们所谓的艺术。
  • And I don't believe it's art to put somebody in an image that they have not consented to, again, in their most private moments.
  • 我认为把某人放在一个未经本人同意的一个高度私人的照片中,这种行为不是艺术。
  • What recourse do women have who find themselves in these pornographic deepfake videos?
  • 发现自己出现在这些深度伪造色情视频中的女性有什么求助办法呢?
  • And have there been any instances of the people posting these being held accountable?
  • 有没有发布这些帖子的人被追究责任的例子?
  • So there's a patchwork of state level laws in the United States that do hold the distributors of deepfake pornography to account, if you can find out who they are. But that is very difficult to do.
  • 在美国,一些州级的法律确实要求深度伪造色情作品的分销商承担责任,如果你能找到分销商是谁的话。但这很难做到。
  • So, when a woman like me finds herself in a deepfake video, what you have got to do is see if you can find out who it is.
  • 当像我这样的女性发现自己出现在深度伪造视频中时,你要做的就是看看你能不能找出制作传播视频的人是谁。
  • If they happen to be in your state and in your jurisdiction, then you might be able to bring them to account in civil court.
  • 如果他们碰巧在你所处的州,在你所在的管辖区域内,那么你可以在民事法庭上追究他们的责任。
  • But if they're out of your state, or even out of the country, then you really don't have any recourse.
  • 但如果他们不在你所在的州,甚至不在这个国家,那么你真的没有任何办法追究他们的责任。
  • And that's why I'm hoping that legislators, rather than wax poetic about the threats of A.I. that we might see in the future, look at the threat that's facing us today and ruining many women's lives.
  • 这就是为什么我希望立法者们,不要一味地强调人工智能未来的威胁,还要着眼于我们今天面临的、毁掉很多女性生活的威胁。


And women like Hillary Clinton and Greta Thunberg have been subjects of these deepfake pornographic videos.


When you recently researched one well-known web site where people post these videos, you found that they were is only one video of former President Donald Trump, but pages of videos sexually explicitly depicting his wife, Melania, and daughter Ivanka.


Are women the usual targets of these deepfake pornographic videos?


Yes, I think that's a really important point to make.


These models are trained on women's bodies.


So even if you feed a male image into the kind of face-swap tools that exist, it's not going to work as well, because they have been created by men for the purpose of either demeaning women or pleasuring themselves.


And it just doesn't work as well on men's bodies.


And that's why we see that 96 percent figure of nonconsensual pornographic videos of women, I think, is an important point to make.


And A.I. has made these videos more convincing.


But even poorly edited videos known as cheapfakes can prove equally damaging.


What's the motive here?


I think the motive is just to, again, demean and discredit women who are in the public eye.


As I said, the videos of me were actually posted on a web site for deepfake porn. It's not like they're mixed in there with the real porn, right


But, even so, the idea is to humiliate me, to show me in an instance in which -- would be extremely private, right.


And this is entirely the point, the cheapfakes as well meant to cast doubt on somebody's integrity, meant to say that they are not fit for public office or public life.


And you have spent a lot of time on these forums where you can actually see -- watch the people interact that are posting these deepfake videos.


What did you see on those forums?


The men are very concerned about their own privacy.


They don't want to be found out for making these videos, but they're not concerned about the privacy of the women that they're making videos of.


They say, if you're a public figure, if your image is out there, then they have the right to make this art, as they call it.


And I don't believe it's art to put somebody in an image that they have not consented to, again, in their most private moments.


What recourse do women have who find themselves in these pornographic deepfake videos?


And have there been any instances of the people posting these being held accountable?


So there's a patchwork of state level laws in the United States that do hold the distributors of deepfake pornography to account, if you can find out who they are. But that is very difficult to do.


So, when a woman like me finds herself in a deepfake video, what you have got to do is see if you can find out who it is.


If they happen to be in your state and in your jurisdiction, then you might be able to bring them to account in civil court.


But if they're out of your state, or even out of the country, then you really don't have any recourse.


And that's why I'm hoping that legislators, rather than wax poetic about the threats of A.I. that we might see in the future, look at the threat that's facing us today and ruining many women's lives.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
wax [wæks]


n. 蜡,蜂蜡
vt. (用蜡)涂

explicitly [ik'splisitli]


adv. 明白地,明确地

integrity [in'tegriti]


n. 诚实,正直,完整,完善

patchwork ['pætʃwə:k]


n. 修补工作,拼凑的东西,混杂物

demean [di'mi:n]


vt. 贬抑,降低 vt. 刻意

concerned [kən'sə:nd]


adj. 担忧的,关心的

discredit [dis'kredit]


vt. 使 ... 不可信,怀疑,损害 ... 的信用

convincing [kən'vinsiŋ]


adj. 使人信服的,有力的,令人心悦诚服的 vbl.

recourse [ri'kɔ:s]


n. 依赖,求助,追索权

privacy ['praivəsi]


n. 隐私,隐居,秘密





