[2010年] BBC新闻讲解FLASH: 第三世界说法已过时
An earthquake that struck the remote Chinese province of Qinghai is now known to have killed almost 600 people and injured thousands. The tremor wrecked the town of Jiegu. The BBC correspondent in th2010-10-21 编辑:Miyo 标签:
[2010年] BBC新闻讲解FLASH: 巴黎盗贼挖隧道抢银行
Tribal elders in the Afghan city of Kandahar have sharply criticized the country's President Hamid Karzai over issues of security and corruption. On a rare visit to the region, Mr Karzai was t...2010-10-20 编辑:Miyo 标签:
[2010年] BBC新闻讲解FLASH: 布朗要求女王解散议会
The BBC has learned that the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has decided that the British general election will take place on 6 May. Mr Brown will go to Buckingham Palace tomorrow Tuesday to ask2010-10-19 编辑:Miyo 标签:
[2010年] BBC新闻讲解FLASH: 美俄签署新的核裁军条约
The Kyrgyzstan President Kurmanbek Bakiyev has refused to admit defeat after his political opponents dissolved parliament and demanded his resignation. Latest reports from the capital Bishkek say the2010-10-18 编辑:Miyo 标签:
[2010年] BBC新闻讲解FLASH: 索马里海盗扣押人质
You might have been forgiven for thinking that piracy on the high seas was the stuff of Hollywood movies or historical novels, but Somali pirates have made 92 attacks this year, resulting in 36 succe2010-10-14 编辑:Miyo 标签:
[2010年] BBC新闻讲解FLASH: 报告称全球森林采伐率出现下
Relatives of children sexually abused by an American Roman Catholic priest have accused Pope Benedict of failing to act over the case during the 1990s. The New York Times says Cardinal Joseph Ratzing2010-10-13 编辑:Miyo 标签:
[2010年] BBC新闻讲解FLASH: 骑自行车来中国
What's the furthest you have ever cycled?Perhaps you cycle to school or to work, or maybe at most a short cycling trip with friends?How would you feel about spending months on the road travell...2010-10-12 编辑:Miyo 标签:
[2010年] BBC新闻讲解FLASH: 谷歌搜索引擎退出中国内地
The American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has told Israel that it faces tough choices if it's to achieve peace with the Palestinians. Speaking after a public row with Israel over planned...2010-10-11 编辑:Miyo 标签:
[2010年] BBC新闻讲解FLASH: 伍兹下月重返高尔夫球赛
The United States and the United Nations are urging Israel and Palestinians to resume peace talks after a day of unrest in Jerusalem. The American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Washington w2010-10-09 编辑:Miyo 标签:
[2010年] BBC新闻讲解FLASH:香蕉中化学成分可能抵抗艾滋病毒
Reports in Israeli media say Israel's ambassador to the United States Michael Oren told Israeli diplomats that American-Israeli relations were facing a crisis of historic proportions. Washingt...2010-09-30 编辑:Miyo 标签:
[2010年] BBC新闻讲解FLASH:泰坦尼克号女主角心碎了
Kate Winslet, the English star of the film Titanic, has announced that she has split up from her film director husband Sam Mendes after six years of marriage.The couple released a statement saying th2010-09-29 编辑:Miyo 标签:
[2010年] BBC新闻讲解FLASH:美谴责以色列拟在东耶路撒冷建定居点
The US Vice President Joe Biden issued a statement from Jerusalem in which he condemned the Israeli government's decision to allow more housing units for Jewish settlers in East Jerusalem. He ...2010-09-28 编辑:Miyo 标签:
[2010年] BBC新闻讲解FLASH:美国以网络自由名义巩固网络霸权
Nigeria's acting President Goodluck Jonathan has sacked the country's National Security Adviser in the wake of ethnic violence that left hundreds dead at the weekend. The announcement was...2010-09-27 编辑:Miyo 标签:
[2010年] BBC新闻讲解FLASH:基地组织美国发言人被捕
The acting President of Nigeria Goodluck Jonathan has placed the security forces in the center of the country on full alert following a fresh wave of sectarian violence near the city of Jos. Witnesse2010-09-26 编辑:Miyo 标签:
[2010年] BBC新闻讲解FLASH:乌克兰新总统称与俄关系进入新时代
The German Chancellor Angela Merkel has welcomed the austerity measures taken by Greece to solve its financial crisis. Flanked by the Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou after talks in Berlin, Mrs2010-09-25 编辑:Miyo 标签:
南方各州是美国最贫穷的地方,而富豪大多居住在东北部和大西洋中部地区。 -
周一,美国,日本和其他十个国家签署了庞大的贸易协议。该协议将降低贸易壁垒 - 3
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