You say you have goals. Can you show them to me? Are they written down with clear deadlines? Or are your goals vague. Things that you hope to do someday.
Having goals is an important exercise in making progress in life. Goals drive you to greater heights than you thought possible. Some choose to live without goals and simply go where life takes them. However, if you want to make your own path you must define your goals.
Here are 10 questions you must answer to clarify your own goals.
1.Are They Written Down?
1. 它们有没有写下来?
Writing your goals down is a magical act. It makes them real. It clarifies them, and helps bring definition and accountability to them.
2.Are They Your goals?
2. 它们是你的目标吗?
Before you pursue them, make sure that your goals are truly your own. Or are they goals that have been put upon you by expectations of your family, job, or society?
3.Do They Have a Deadline?
3. 它们有最后期限吗?
Goals without deadlines are like a race without an end. You need a finish line to define your goal and when you will accomplish it by. (You can always adjust later… see #7.)
4.What is the Cost and Are you Willing to Pay It?
4. 你需要付出什么?你想不想付出?
Every goal has a cost. Whether it is time, money, or sweat. Make sure you are willing to pay the price to achieve your goal.
5.What Help Will You Need to Accomplish Your Goals?
5. 你需要什么帮你实现目标?
Truly great goals require us to go beyond ourselves. Every successful person learned from someone else. Plan in advance how you will get the assistance you need.
6.Are You Focused on Your Goal?
6. 你能不能专注于自己的目标?
Many people fall into the trap of unfocused goals. Or perhaps, they have too many goals at once. You must have laser focus on your big goal. It must be front-and-center in your life. It must get constant attention.
7.Are Your Goals Adaptable?
7. 你的目标能否适应变化?
Life changes. You can’t control that. So, your goals must be adaptable. This is not to be used as an excuse at the first sign of difficulty. Adaptable goals change, instead of break, when life throws you a curve.
8.Do Your Goals Stretch Your Limits?
8. 你的目标能不能挑战你的极限?
If your goal is to do something that you have already done before, then you will get the same results. Your goals should stretch your abilities. That is how new capabilities and limits are reached.
如果你的目标是做自己已经做过的事,那你还是会得到相同的结果。你的目标应该能够挑战自己的极限。 这样你才会获得新的能力,达到新的极限。
9.Do Believe in Your Goals?
9. 你相不相信自己的目标?
More than anyone else, you have to believe in your goals. There will be critics, doubters, and people who want to see you fail. Don’t listen to them. Listen to the inner voice that drives you.
10.What Did You Do Today?
10. 你今天做了什么事情?
You must act on your goals every single day. It is not an optional activity. If you truly have the determination and focus to reach your goals, you will not only think, but act on them every single day.