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Passage Four

In Lusaka, Zambia, a young man applying for a job was told to see the manager. He leaned over the receptionist’s desk and asked. “What tribe(部落) is he?” When the receptionist told him that the manager was a Mashona, the applicant replied, “Then I'll never get the job.”

This phenomenon is called tribalism(部落主义). There are more than 2,000 tribes in black Africa. Each has its own language, customs, and physical characteristics that make its members almost immediately recognizable to a person from another tribe. To the Westerner, tribalism is one of the most difficult of African customs to understand. It makes many people think of savagery, warfare, or old-fashioned customs.

However, to most Africans, tribalism simply means very strong loyalty to one’s ethnic group. It is a force that can be both good and bad. By definition tribalism means sharing among members of the extended family. It makes sure that a person is taken care of by his own group tribesman. To give a job to a fellow is not wrong; it is an obligation. Similarly, for a politician or military leader, it is considered good common sense to choose his closest advisers from people of his own tribe. This ensures security, continuity, and authority. Tribal loyalty may mean a quick promotion―from sergeant to captain, from clerk to manager―within a very short time.

Modern African politicians publicly speak out against tribal divisions. Yet it remains perhaps the most powerful force in day-to-day African life.

31. In paragraph 1, why did the young man believe his job application will be refused?

A. His behavior was not appropriate.

B. He belonged to the same tribe with the manager.

C. He didn’t belong to the same tribe with the manager.

D. His questions annoyed the receptionist.

32. The situation in the first paragraph is an example of_______.

A. the difficulty of getting a job in Africa

B. the disagreement on tribalism among Africans

C. the great numbers of tribes in Africa

D. the importance of tribalism in Africa

33. What might be the common attitudes of Westerners towards tribalism?

A. positive

B. indifferent

C. negative

D. none of the above

34. According to the article, which of the following is NOT an evidence of tribalism?

A. Sergeants maintain security in his own tribe.

B.Politicians choose men from his own tribe as intimate advisers.

C. Military leaders promote fellow tribesmen to higher positions.

D. Managers give jobs to fellow tribesmen.

35. What would be the future of tribalism?

A. It will soon be destroyed by modern politicians.

B. It will remain as strong as it is today and never be changed.

C. It will gradually disappear as the society develops.

D. It will speed up further division of tribes.

31. C 32. D 33. C 34. A 35. C

重点单词   查看全部解释    
authority [ə'θɔ:riti]


n. 权力,权威,职权,官方,当局



adj. 恼怒的;烦闷的 v. 使烦恼;打扰(annoy

intimate ['intimeit,'intimit]


adj. 亲密的,私人的,秘密的
n. 密友<

application [.æpli'keiʃən]


n. 应用; 申请; 专心
n. 应用软件程序

promotion [prə'məuʃən]


n. 晋升,促进,提升

appropriate [ə'prəupriət]


adj. 适当的,相称的
vt. 拨出(款项)

military ['militəri]


adj. 军事的
n. 军队

definition [.defi'niʃən]


n. 定义,阐释,清晰度

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

extended [iks'tendid]


adj. 延续的,广大的,扩大范围的 动词extend的





