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Writing 4 图画描述

Beijing 2008 Olympics Logo

1.Describe the picture;

2.Tell the meaning of the picture.

  The emblem, officially entitled “Chinese Seal—Dancing Beijing”, has a single Chinese character on a traditional Chinese seal. The words “Beijing 2008” are written with a Chinese brush below it. The figure in the logo resembles a runner or dancer and the Chinese character “Jing” which means “capital”.

  The image carries the message that today’s China is not only a nation with a long and glorious history, but also one full of modern dynamics.

  Dancing Beijing is a journey to the future, the emblem for China moving towards the 2008 Olympic Games. It represents the heart of an ancient culture embracing the modern world, the spirit of a people moving towards a new destiny. It captures the soul of a city in transformation and its motion conveys a message of hope, joy, and unity.

  Dancing Beijing is a symbol of the city’s promise to make the Games a success and to be unlike any the world has known. The Chinese seal of Dancing Beijing is a promise rooted in honor and trust, character and truth.

  Dancing Beijing is the color of China. Red is the most significant color in Chinese culture’s symbol of luck, of celebration and of new beginnings. The depth of its meaning equals the depth of its beauty.

  Dancing Beijing represents the spirit of the individual. It is the symbol for every Olympian, every performer, every volunteer and every spectator. Arms flung wide, it invites all people and the world to share in the city’s history, beauty, energy, and its future.

  Dancing Beijing is in the form of the dragon, the ancient symbol of

  Chinese culture that has both beauty and majesty. It symbolizes a binding of the fire and light of the Chinese people, the power to the promise.

  Dancing Beijing is an invitation, a hand extended in welcome to China’s celebration. The Games are held in the hope of uniting humanity as never before. They are a gesture of friendship and hope that the community of nations will unite in peace through sport.

Writing 5 统计图表分析

Directions: The following table gives statistics showing the aspects of quality of life in five countries. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information in the table below.

Country GNP per head Daily calorie Life expectancy at Infant mortality
(US dollars) supply per head birth(years) rates(per 1000 live births)
Bangladesh 140 1877 40 132

Bolivia 570 2086 50 124

Egypt 690 2950 56 97

Indonesia 580 2296 51 87

USA 13160 3652 74 12

The table uses four broad economic indicators to show the standard of living in five selected countries, including both the most developed nation in the world and some of the less developed nations. There is no denying the fact that the USA had much higher quality of life than other countries.

As can be clearly seen from the statistics, the USA—one of the richest countries in the world—had the highest GNP and daily calorie intake, the longest life expectancy and the lowest infant mortality rate. The other developing countries had a considerably lower quality of life. Egypt, Indonesia and Bolivia were similar in their range of indicators, with Egypt having the highest quality of life among the three. However, Egypt’s infant mortality rate was slightly higher than Indonesia’s, at 97 deaths per 1000 compared to 87 in Indonesia. Bangladesh had by far the lowest quality of life in all the four indicators. Its GNP was only about one-hundredth that of the USA. The figures in terms of the daily calorie supply per head and life expectancy at birth in Bangladesh are the half of those respectively in USA, and its infant mortality rate was 10 times greater.

In conclusion, it goes without saying that the four developing countries have to develop a lot more before reaching the same level of quality of life as the USA. At the same time, the USA has the responsibility to help the other countries to develop their economies and improve their people’s living standard.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
seal [si:l]


n. 印章,封条
n. 海豹

sincerely [sin'siəli]


adv. 真诚地,真心地

dependent [di'pendənt]


adj. 依靠的,依赖的,从属的

pressure ['preʃə]


n. 压力,压强,压迫
v. 施压

figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型

describe [dis'kraib]


vt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成

witness ['witnis]


n. 目击者,证人
vt. 目击,见证,出席,

inform [in'fɔ:m]


v. 通知,告诉,向 ... 报告,告发

refrain [ri'frein]


n. 重复,叠句,副歌
v. 节制,避免,克制

supply [sə'plai]


n. 补给,供给,供应,贮备
vt. 补给,供





