老鞋邪说八道,诸位即使(even though)姑妄听之,也会受到influence(影响)。因为老鞋的思想理念(conceptions),无论有否厘头,都会如水般流入(flow into)你的心灵,也不管你是视为自来水(tap water),瓶装矿泉水(bottled mineral water),还是废水(waste waster)。
flu=flow, in=in
所以英语这个influence,造得颇有情致:如涓涓细流,润物细无声!可能用来指(refer to)苏格拉底(Socrates)之于亚里士多德(Aristotle),较为贴切(proper)。
Only romantic imagination? 只是浪漫遐想?说个实际点:
I speak fluent English.
Commodity price, interest rate and exchange rate fluctuate.
My unique way of dealing with vocabulary will influence a growing number of people.
My unique way of dealing with vocabulary will have/exert/impose influence on a growing number of people.
My unique way of dealing with vocabulary will be increasingly influential.
The key points are(要点是):
该词可作名词或动词(it acts as both a noun and a verb);
动词短语“__ influenc on”,管前面动词是个啥,都相当于一个动词“影响”,常用的是have, exert and impose。
如上所述,exert/impose/have influence on=influence,据邪眼观察,还小有规律。
pay attention to, 多数人记得,就是“注意”;若看pay, 反而不知所云。
lay emphasis on, 就是emphasize。
place value on, 也等于value;不过要复习一下:动词意为“珍视/重视”。
attach importance to值得单独一提:确实不用看attach, 但作为动词短语意思不能是importance(重要性),稍做转换成“重视”,即与place value on相似。看老鞋造句,注意:同时学学写作:
In dealing with English, everybody pay enough attention to vocabulary. But it is worth mentioning that not sufficient value is placed upon understanding and practicality. In response, YOS attach adequate importance to both factors. Hopefully this will exert more or less influence upon more or less learners.
学英语的时候(没有用when吧?),每个人对词汇有足够的注意。但值得一提的是,没有足够(不再是enough了,尽量避免重复同一个词)重视理解与应用。因此(不一定是so),老鞋充分(不是enough, 也不是sufficient!)重视这两个因素。如此有望对或多或少的学习者带来或多或少的影响。
此外,“have influence on”这个短语中,influence还可换成impact, effect,意义相同。
Internet has had great social impact. 互联网已产生巨大的社会影响。
Environment has profound effect on personality. 环境之于个性,在深刻的影响。