The power of your own thoughts
It’s awesome to have an ability that can allow you to overcome anything. If you can control your thoughts, you’re most likely to achieve what it is you want to achieve. This is because “the energy flows where the attention goes”. If you dedicate time to do things you like, you’ll become good at them. But if instead, you focused all your energy on negatives thoughts, you’ll simply reinforce them.
Many will soon ask “Well, how can I control each and every of my thoughts?”

This sounds fatalist isn’t it? Basicly, it’s a frame of mind. The more you do something, the more it’s likely to happen once more. It’s almost a Murphy law:The things you want to avoid at all cost will occur more and more — Me
Think about it for a second: if you were to spend each and every minutes looking at your face for signs of acne, would you start creating pictures of you in your mind with acne? As soon as you’d feel a small bump on your face you’d start to freak out? You see, all this list of events actually contribute to it happening. That’s why you should not focus or even think about what you do not want. It’s actually making you lose your time as it only reinforce what you do not want. Instead, find a way to make it positive. “I want to have a soft skin” would be a better frame of mind. This way, you’ll work on what will help you instead of what you don’t want to occur.
Yet again, it’s a bit hard to really think it’s going to work, but I can assure you that if you follow the right mindset, you won’t have any problem. You see, all this article is actually talking about the power of your brain. It is him who tells you how you should be feeling about EVERYthing. Why would you consider acne to be bad? Maybe you should know that acne is a good sign of health and that your hormones are working great! No, instead you tell to yourself “My skin is messed up, I’ll never recover from it”. It will never help you to tell yourself you’re not doing the things the way you should do them. DO what you want, not what you don’t want.