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编辑:Amosway   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

21.It is recommended that the project_____ until all the preparations have been made.(95.6/44)

  A. not be started B. will not be started C. is not started D. is not to be started

  22.I wish I_____ longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class.(95.6/45)

  A. have slept B. slept C. might have slept D. could have slept

  23.We didn’t know his telephone number; otherwise we_____ him.(95.6/46)

  A. had telephoned B. must have telephoned

  C. would telephone D. would have telephoned

  24.It is politely requested by the hotel management that radios_____ after 11 o’clock at night.(96.1/28)

  A. were not play B. not to play C. not be played D. did not play

  25.Jean doesn’t want to work right away because she thinks that if she_____ a job she probably wouldn’t be able to see her friends very often.(96.1/44)

  A. has to get B. were to get C. had got D. could have got

  26._____ right now, she would get there on Sunday.(96.6/42)

  A. Would she leave B. If she leaves C. Were she to leave D. If she had left

  27.It’s already 5 o’clock now. Don’t you think it’s about time_____?(96.6/43)

  A. we are going home B. we go home C. we went home D. we can go home

  28._____ before we depart the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party.(97.1/34)

  A. Had they arrived B. Would they arrive C. Were they arriving D. Were they to arrive

  29.It is vital that enough money_____ to fund the project.(97.1/45)

  A. be collected B. must be collected C. is collected D. can be collected

  30.If only the committee_____ the regulations and put them into effect as soon as possible.(97.1/47)

  A. approve B. will approve C. can approve D. would approve

  31.Had he got harder, he____ the exams.(97.6/42)

  A. must have got through B. would have got through

  C. would get through D. could get through

  32.I don’t think it advisable that Tim_____ to the job since he has no experience.(97.6/55)

  A. is assigned B. will be assigned C. be assigned D. has been assigned

  33.The mad man was put in the soft-padded cell lest he_____ himself.(98.1/38)

  A. injure B. had injured C. injured D. would injure

  34.You don’t have to be in such a hurry, I would rather you____ on business first.(98.1/59)

  A. would go B. will go C. went D. have gone

  35.I’d rather you_____ make any comment on the issue for the time being.(98.6/48)

  A. don’t B. wouldn’t C. didn’t D. shouldn’t

  36.We are all for your proposal that the discussion_____.(98.6/68)

  A. be put off B. was put off C. should put off D. is to be put off

  37.“You are very selfish, it’s time that you_____ that you are not the most important person in the world.” Edgar said to his boss angrily.(99.1/57)

  A. realized B. have realized C. realize D. should realize

  38.If I hadn’t stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell, you_____ now.(99.1/60)

  A. wouldn’t be smiling B. couldn’t have smiled C. won’t smile D. didn’t smile

  39.Frankly speaking, I’d rather you_____ about it for the time being.(99.1/66)

  A. didn’t do B. haven’t done C. don’t do D. have done

  40.If the whole operation_____ beforehand, a great deal of time and money would have been lost.(99.6/43)

  A. was not planned B. has not been planned

  C. were not been planned D. had not been planned



重点单词   查看全部解释    
comment ['kɔment]


n. 注释,评论; 闲话
v. 注释,评论

proposal [prə'pəuzəl]


n. 求婚,提议,建议

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

ladder ['lædə]


n. 梯子,阶梯,梯状物
n. (袜子)

approve [ə'pru:v]


v. 批准,赞成,同意,称许

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

issue ['iʃju:]


n. 发行物,期刊号,争论点
vi. & vt

vital ['vaitl]


adj. 至关重要的,生死攸关的,有活力的,致命的

cell [sel]


n. 细胞,电池,小组,小房间,单人牢房,(蜂房的)巢室

depart [di'pɑ:t]


vt. 离开
vi. 离开,死亡,脱轨





