n. 捐助(奖金), 天赋
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四级阅读理解新题型附讲解(9):Colleges taking another look at value of merit-based aid
编辑:shaun 可可英语APP下载 | 可可官方微信:ikekenet【参考答案】
46. E)根据题干信息词David Laird将答案定位于E段。E段中,Laird指出,很多私立大学希望减少 奖学金,但同时又担心这么做会使好学生跑到竞争对手那里去。E段Laird接着陈述了希望依靠 法规来使兄弟院校同时减少奖学金,与题干相符,因此选E。
47. F)由题干可知相关部分在文中F段,F段指出,阿勒格尼学院不打算完全放弃奖学金的原因 是,很多来自中等收人家庭的学生不符合助学金的申请要求,但他们主要依赖于奖学金,与题干相 符,因此选F。
48. H)该句提到,只要奖学金获得者继续达到获奖的资格,则其每年都可以继续获得奖学金,由此 可知,选H。
49. I) 根据题干信息词athletic merit scholarships, recommendation将答案定位于I小标题下, Recommendation for these scholarships is required,since exceptional athletic performance has to be recognized by a coach or a referee. Applicants need to send in a tape containing their best perfor-mance.与题干相符,因此逸I。
50. A)由题干知相关部分在文中 A段,But with low-income students projected to make up an ever-larger share of the college-bound population in coming years,随着越来越多的低收人家庭的孩子进 人高校学习V-些学校开始重新审视其资助政策是否最有效地利用了大学宝贵的经费,与题干相 符,因此选A。
51. B) 由similar -词断定,本题相关部分应在B段中找。B段中提到的cut…merit scholarships. ..pouring the savings... into need-based aid(减少……奖学金将节省下来的钱投放到贫困助学金上)即similar decision所指的内容与题干相符,因此选B。
52. C> .根据题干信息词rankings*conscious colleges将答案定位于C段。该段指出,对于那些对排名 比较关注的学校来说,奖学金主要是他们用来招收好学生、改善其学术形象的手段,与题干相符, 因此选C。
53. D)本段中Inzer陈述了其观点:现在更迫切的需要是把经费投在助学金上,而助学金是发放给 经济上有困难的学生的,与文中Merit aid, which benefited about 75 students a year, or about 4% of its student body, at a cost of about $ 1 million a year, "served us well." Inzer says,but "to be discounting the price for families that don't need financial aid doesn't feel right any more.,,相符,因 此选D。
54. E)题干中的 In recent years 对应 E 段,But in recent years,a growing chorus of critics has begun pressuring schools to drop the practice. Recent decisions by Hamilton and others may be "a sign that people are starting to realize that there's this destructive competition going on," says Baum, coauthor of a recent College Report that raises concerns about the role of institutional aid not based on need.与题干相符,因此选E。
55. I)根据末段第四句 Artistic merit scholarships require that applicants excel in a given artistic area.及本题的题干可知选I。

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