1. hanbok n. ( 韩语) 韩服。下文中出现的kimchi 和Joseon 也是韩语。kimchi( 泡菜); Joseon(德藏时代〈历史名词〉) 。
2. bolero n. 指一种前胸敞开的女短外套, 是韩国传统女服的样式。
3. consist of 组成, 构成, 如: That area's future weather pattern might consist of long, dry periods.( 那地区未来的天气可能会出现长期的干旱。) consist 与in 连用, 意思是“ 在于, 存在于”, 如: Her charm does not consist only in her beauty. ( 她的魅力不仅在于美貌。) consist与with 连用, 意思为“ 一致, 符合”, 如: The report consists with facts. ( 这篇报道符合事实。)
4. get the better of 战胜, 在⋯⋯中占上风, 如: get the better of a rival ( 战胜对手) ;My curiosity got the better of me. ( 我克制不住自己的好奇心。)