handkerchief n.手帕
[例]All the Chinese people used to play a game called“Handkerchief Tossing”.每个中国人都玩过“丢手绢”这个游戏。
handsome a.英俊的;慷慨的;数量可观的
[例]In spite of the handsome treatment in my company,I still decide to quit my job and pursue(追求)further education.尽管我现在的公司待遇不菲,我仍然决定辞职深造。
handwriting n.笔记,书法
[记]手( hand)写(write)下来的痕迹就是handwriting。
[例]The handwriting of your composition will to a large degree affect the scoring by the teachers.作文的字迹会很大程度上影响老师对你的给分。
handy a.手边的;便利的;容易取得的
[搭]at hand手边的
[例]We always dream big while ignoring tha handy tasks.我们总是梦想太大而忽略手边的事情。
handle v.处理 n.手柄
[近]deal with处理;应付(deal是“生意”,难应付)cope with有效地处理(cop是“警察”,善处理)
[例]This public crisis was handled so well that his image was actually enhanced.这件公共危机处理得非常好,以至于危机反而提升了他的形象。
manual a.手工的,体力的 n.手册,指南
[例]The industrial revolution had replaced the manual work with the machine manufacture.工业革命后机械生产替代了手工劳动。
manufacture v.制造;加工 n.制造;制造业
[变]manufacturer n.制造商
[例]The prices of the portable hard drives ascended enormously after the flood in Thailand because the manufacturing costs were much higher than before.泰国洪水后,由于加工成本比以前大幅提高,导致移动硬盘的价格也跟着飙升。
v. 追捕,追求,继续从事