[英语四级作文范文和模板] 英语四级备考作文范文模版精选(35):沉默的不适之处
The Discomfort of SilenceMany Americans find silence uncomfortable. They will murmur on to fill any quietness if it extends for more than a moment. Students often study with their radios singing;hous2008-03-06 编辑:alex 标签:
[美国人写的精彩作文] 美国人写的精彩作文(8):Below The Surface
8.Below The SurfaceFinding Deep Strength We have all faced moments in our lives when the pressure mounts beyond what we feel we can handle, and we find ourselves thinking that we do not have the stre2008-03-06 编辑:alex 标签:
[美国人写的精彩作文] 美国人写的精彩作文(7):The Consequences Yo
7.The Consequences You SowAction And Effect All motive and action affects the cosmos in some way. The principle of cause and effect is the truth that allows us to change ourselves and the world aroun2008-03-06 编辑:alex 标签:
[美国人写的精彩作文] 美国人写的精彩作文(6):Bounded By Wellness
6.Bounded By WellnessSend Healing To Yourself Most people, when given an opportunity to aid someone in need, are eager to do whatever they can to be of service. Those of us who have chosen to make he2008-03-06 编辑:alex 标签:
[美国人写的精彩作文] 美国人写的精彩作文(5):Penetrating The Dar
5.Penetrating The DarknessWisdom Of The Owl For as long as humankind has recognized animals as teachers, wise men and women have recognized traits worthy of respect in both wild and domestic creature2008-03-06 编辑:alex 标签:
[美国人写的精彩作文] 美国人写的精彩作文(4):No Hard Edges
4.No Hard EdgesCreating Space In The Body Our minds and bodies are interconnected, and the condition of one affects the condition of the other. This is why meditation is such a powerful tool for heal2008-03-06 编辑:alex 标签:
[美国人写的精彩作文] 美国人写的精彩作文(3):Present In The Prog
3.Present In The ProgressionLetting Life Unfold Our lives are guided by natural rhythms that are particular to each of us and cannot be altered by force of will alone. Life itself is a journey made u2008-03-06 编辑:alex 标签:
[美国人写的精彩作文] 美国人写的精彩作文(2):Exploring An Altern
2.Exploring An Alternate UniverseWhat Makes People Tick?All people have their own way of being in the world. It is easiest to comprehend this basic yet profound fact when we consider that every human2008-03-06 编辑:alex 标签:
[美国人写的精彩作文] 美国人写的精彩作文(1):A Magical Potion
1.A Magical PotionMorning Dew The world awakens each day from its nightly slumber, transformed by a sparkling layer of morning dew on the grass, on flower petals and leaves, on cars and car windows.2008-03-06 编辑:alex 标签:
[英语四级作文综合辅导] 2008年英语四级写作备考训练(4)
附:重点话题与句型1) With more emphasis put on “building a harmonious society”, people begin to realize the importance of solving the problem of inequality (solving the problem of unemployment/ ena2008-02-28 编辑:alex 标签:
[英语四级作文综合辅导] 2008年英语四级写作备考训练(3)
Writing 6 对比 Can Computers Replace Teachers in English Teaching?1. 计算机及多媒体技术在大学英语课堂上使用越来越广泛。 2. 老师和计算机相比的好处。3. 计算机是否能在将来取代老师?为什么? Nowada2008-02-28 编辑:alex 标签:
[英语四级作文综合辅导] 2008年英语四级写作备考训练(2)
Writing 2 辞职信Directions: Two months ago you got a job as an editor for the magazine Car Manufacturer. But now you find that the work is not what you expected. You decide to quit. Write a letter to2008-02-28 编辑:alex 标签:
[英语四级作文综合辅导] 2008年英语四级写作备考训练(1)
一.一个中心:切题 二.两个基本点:“死去活来”;表达>内容三.四个层次:词 句 段 文1.英语用词较灵活我认为I think…?I believe/ argue/ insist/ maintain/ deem/ As I see it,/ In my opinion,/ From my poi2008-02-28 编辑:alex 标签:
[英语四级作文综合辅导] 名师指导四级写作:写作修辞技巧
修辞手段一般主要用于文学性写作中。但在大学英语的英文写作中有时也需要运用一定的具有英文特征的修辞手段,而且运用得好,会使语句生动从而增添语句亮点。因此,掌握一些一般常用修辞手段对于实现语句亮点也是2008-02-28 编辑:alex 标签:
[英语四级作文综合辅导] 名师指导四级写作:提高词汇
如果你问我在考试临近的时候,词汇的问题怎么办,那我的建议就是:既然考试已经这么近了,还不如尽量用自己能够写的出来的语言和词汇表达自己,因为就算从现在起到考试那一天,我们拼命记新单词和表达法,也记不了多2008-02-28 编辑:alex 标签:
课程名称 | 课时 | 优惠价 | 试听 |
英语四级零基础VIP签约全程班【2014年12月】 | 125 | 1280 | ![]() |
大学英语四级425通关班【2014年12月】 | 115 | 580 | ![]() |
英语四级词汇一笑而过【周思成主讲】 | 30 | 200 | ![]() |
英语四级单项突破班—听力【赵建昆主讲】 | 20 | 180 | ![]() |
英语四级单项突破班—阅读【唐思宇主讲】 | 20 | 180 | ![]() |
英语四级核心词汇班【赵丽主讲】 | 10 | 60 | ![]() |