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People often dream of living in a perfect place where no

one would be poor, and everyone would be considerable of --71.

everyone else. Such a place, however, is very good to be true: --72.

such a place is nowhere, and that's what the word "Utopia"

means. It is made up two Greek words meaning "not a place". --73.

The word was first used by Thomas More, a sixteen century --74.

English writer whose book Utopia, published in 1516,

describing a perfect island country. More's idea for tale came --75.

from Plato. Plato's The Republic described what would be a

perfect state. Early legends told a perfect place existing --76.

somewhere in Atlantic. These legends were no longer believed --77.

when the explorations of Americans began, but after More's

time they became common for writers to imagine there places. --78.

Utopia, if is effected, would not suddenly make everything --79.

perfect because people are of nature imperfect. --80.




