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 Part I Writing

  Precious Water

  No one doubts the importance of water. Human beings live on water, animals live on water, plants live on water and all living things live on water. You can’t imagine what would happen if there were no water in the world!

  China is one of the countries in the world that are badly short of water. Water problem has become more acute in recent years with the increase of water consumption and pollution. In big cities, the water problem has become even worse. With the growth of population, more and more water is needed. With the development of the industry, a large quantity of water has been and is being polluted. Water pollution is the most serious problem that China is facing. It has spread to rivers, lakes, and even the oceans.

  In order to survive, man has to be wise enough to treasure water and try to prevent it from being polluted. Man should also know that all resources in the world are limited, including water. Make good use of them, otherwise, man will be punished by nature. To treasure water is to treasure life; to protect our environment is to protect ourselves.

  Part II Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)

  1. A 细节题。根据题干信息词World Health Organization定位到第三段Air: the World Health Organization(WHO)says three million people are killed worldwide by outdoor air pollution annually from vehicles and industrial emissions,即:世界卫生组织公布,全世界每年有3百万人死于室外空气污染,故选A。

  2. C 细节题。根据题干信息词Land can be polluted定位到第五段第三句话Agriculture can pollute land with pesticides, nitrate-rich fertilizers and slurry from livestock,即:来自农业的杀虫剂、富含硝酸盐的化肥以及家畜带来的泥浆都会污染土地,故选C。

  3. D 细节题。根据题干信息词man. made chemicals和affected定位到第一个小标题下第二段末句Affected species include polar bears—so not even the Arctic is immune. And the chemicals climb the food chain, from fish to mammals,and to us,即:受人造化学制品影响的种类包括北极熊、从鱼到哺乳动物的生物链,也包括人,未提到鸟,故选D。

  4. B 细节题。根据题干信息词local residents定位到第一个小标题下的末句So local residents,like many in poor communities around the globe,have faced the problem of investigating their claim that industries on their doorsteps are making them sick,即:当地居民声称他们门前的工业导致他们生病,故选B。

  5. A 细节题。根据题干信息词The pesticide DDT定位到第二个小标题下的第二段The pesticide DDT does great damage to wildlife and can affect the human nervous system,but can also be effective against malaria(疟疾),即:杀虫剂DDT会伤害野生动植物并且能影响人类的神经系统,但对预防疟疾是很有效的,故选A。

  6. C 细节题。根据题干信息词a U.N. convention定位到第二个小标题末段第二句话There is a U.N. convention on trans-boundary air pollution, but that cannot cover every problem that can arise between neighbors,or between states which do not share a border,即:联合国在跨边界的空气污染上有协定,但是不包括邻国之间出现的每个问题,也不包括不接壤的州之间出现的问题,故选C。

  7. C 细节题。根据题干信息词a way of cleaning up after ourselves定位到第三个小标题第二段One way of cleaning up after ourselves would be to throw less away,designing products to be recycled or even just to last longer,即:清洁的方法可以是少丢弃一些,设计可循环的产品或使用持久一些,未提到不再使用,故选C。

  8. aggravate asthma symptoms in children。细节题。根据题干定位到第四个小标题首段末旬It found that increases in air pollution tended to aggravate asthma symptoms in children,即:空气污染的增加恶化孩子的哮喘症状,故得答案。

  9. pollution coming from a particular plant。细节题。根据题干定位到第四个小标题第三段末句But,according to…prove that illnesses suffered were caused by pollution coming from a particular plant,即:证明疾病是由一种来自特殊植物的污染而造成的,故得答案。

  10. improve the situation。细节题。根据题干定位到倒数第二段首句Martinus van Schalkwyk…said there were measures in place to improve the situation,即:环境和观光事业部长Schalkwyk参观了德尔班南部的盆地,并指出还是有措施可以改善现状的,故得答案。

Part IV Reading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)

  Section A

  47. Because Australia bans the use of certain antibiotics in livestock.

  根据题干中的关键词Australia和low drug resistance定位到文章开头,可知一项研究发现,在澳大利亚,导致常见食源性疾病的细菌抗药性很低,这与美国和欧洲的情况有所不同;做出该发现的科学家表示,澳大利亚禁止对家畜使用特定抗生素,这有助于解释上述情况。

  48. Campylobacter

  根据题干中的关键词industrialized countries和most common定位到第六段,可知弧形杆菌是美国和其他许多工业化国家中最常见的食源性疾病。

  49. paralysis or death


  50. drug-resistant bacteria

  根据题干中的关键词food-producing animals和public health expels定位到倒数第二段,可知美国食品及药物管理局于去年禁止给产肉动物使用抗生素,其原因在于公共卫生专家对抗药细菌表示担忧。

  51. It’s entirely preventable.

  根据题干中的关键词Angulo和bacteria’s antibiotic resistance定位到最后一段倒数第二句,可知Angulo认为弧形杆菌感染完全可以预防,而细菌对抗生素的抗药性也是如此。

  Section B

  Passage One

  52. C 推断题。taboo意为“禁忌,避讳”,结合文章内容也可推断出,taboo是那些社会无法接受的行为,所以C正确。

  53. D 推断题。由文章第二段第一句可知,在同一个社会中禁忌也是会改变的,以前被认为是禁忌的行为,后来可能变得非常自然、可接受,由此推断,肥胖在将来可能不再是什么禁忌,所以D正确。第三段第一句说fat是one of the newest taboos,排除干扰项C。

  54. B 推断题。由文章第三段第二句可知,美国如今的肥胖禁忌跟其他的禁忌不同——人们经常讨论关于肥胖的话题,所以B正确。

  55. D 语义题。解答此题的关键在于理解in与out在此处的含义:前者指“流行的,时髦的”,后者指“过时的,不再时髦的”。另外,由文章第三段中对thin及fat的描述也可推知,前者比较流行,后者过时,故选D。

  56. B 推断题。由文章第三、四段可知,美国人认为肥胖是“禁忌”,他们追求苗条和年轻,所以热衷于锻炼,由此推断,B正确。

  Passage Two

  57. A 语义题。由文章第一段中的the population problem及rapid increase in the number可知,demographic的含义应该与“人口”和“数量”有关,而-graphic表示“写、画、记录的”,由此推断A(人口统计)正确。B(环境研究),C(人口的积聚),D(人类的发展),均与文意不符,故排除。

  58. B 推断题。由文章第二段第二句和第三句的virtually stable or growing very slightly for most of human history可知,文章第一段最后一句的引申意思是:在人口缓慢稳定的增长之后会出现人口的激增。四个选项之中,只有B与其最相符,故选B。

  59. B 细节题。由文章第二段倒数第二句可知,在人口统计学历史上的第一个阶段,社会常有覆灭的危险是因为很多地方人口死亡率比出生率高,所以B正确。

  60. A 推断题。由文章第四段第三、四句可知,l650到1975年,世界人口增长至40亿,到2000年已经增长至62亿,由此可知,从l975年至2000年世界人口增长了22亿,故选A。

  61. D 推断题。通读全文可知,文章主要描述了世界人口增长的历史和现状,作者的目的在于使读者能够清楚地了解世界人口的增长状况,所以D正确。B项对照历史上人口增长的两种模式是作者达到目的的手段。

  Part V Error Correction

  62. burglar→burglary


  63. it→there

  分析句意可知,此处应该是表示“有”的there be句型,所以应将第一个it改为there。

  64. 去掉is


  65. the→a


  66. what→that


  67. may→must


  68. which→that


  69. of→to


  70. unprotect→unprotected


  71. 去掉out


  Part VI Translation

  72. the highest rates of this disease,almost twice that of Asia

  “患病率”可用the rates of this disease来表示;“几乎……”应该作“患病率”的补语,可译为省略结构;“两倍”应为twice,此处指的是南非的发病率是亚洲的发病率的两倍,因此应译为twice that of Asia,其中that指代的就是the rates of this disease。

  73. took proper steps to solve the traffic problems

  该句包含it is time…的结构,该结构一般表示虚拟,其从句要用一般过去时。“采取措施”为从句谓语,因此要译为took steps或took measures;“来解决交通问题”为不定式表示目的,其中“解决问题”可译为固定动宾搭配solve problems。此处还可译为took proper measures to solve the traffic problems。

  74. not only takes much time but is also harmful to health

  由给出的中英文可知,playing video games应为句子主语,其谓语动词应采用单数第三人称形式。“既……又……”应译为not only…but also;“花费(时间)”可译为take,“有害(健康)”可译为be harmful to。

  75. the majority of people believe that it is a lifetime study

  结合给出的中英文可知,“教育是终生学习”可译为“认为”的宾语从句。“多数人”应译为the majority of people,“认为”可译为think或believe。而“终生学习”则为a lifetime study。

  76. unless some steps are taken to stop it


重点单词   查看全部解释    
survival [sə'vaivəl]


n. 生存,幸存者

protection [prə'tekʃən]


n. 保护,防卫

asthma ['æsmə]


n. 哮喘

plastic ['plæstik, plɑ:stik]


adj. 塑料的,可塑的,造型的,整形的,易受影响的



n. 静止;不活泼;休止状态;不放射性

current ['kʌrənt]


n. (水、气、电)流,趋势
adj. 流通的

affected [ə'fektid]


adj. 受影响的,受感动的,受疾病侵袭的 adj. 做

extended [iks'tendid]


adj. 延续的,广大的,扩大范围的 动词extend的

irritating ['iriteitiŋ]


adj. 刺激的,使愤怒的,气人的 动词irritate

quantity ['kwɔntiti]


n. 量,数量,大量





