[六级阅读辅导] 大学英语六级阅读:如何追求赞美女生?
1. You are a dreamboat.你是位(异性所追求的)理想人选。dreamboat:这个俚语是用来指代理想目标,理想爱人,(异性所追求的)理想人选。比如:She is the dreamboat in the boy’s heart.她是男生心中追求的理想2012-04-06 编辑:Daisy 标签:
[六级阅读辅导] 大学英语六级阅读:日本古镇的生存危机
In late January, Tamotsu Baba got the bad news from the government he had been dreading. Officials announced that most of Mr. Baba's hometown of Namie, located four miles from the stricken Fukus2012-04-05 编辑:Daisy 标签:
[六级阅读辅导] 大学英语六级阅读:阻碍你成功的十大谎言
Unfortunately, just before you take your first step on the righteous journey to pursue your dreams, people around you, even the ones who deeply care for you, will give you awful advice. It’s not bec2012-04-01 编辑:Daisy 标签:
[六级阅读辅导] 2012年英语六级阅读:毕业季学位服的小故事
In the often unheated buildings of the middle ages, long gowns were necessary for scholars to ward off the cold.[qh]在中世纪,房屋里一般不具备取暖设备,长袍成为了学子们避寒的必需品。[qh]Academic dres2012-03-31 编辑:Daisy 标签:
[六级阅读辅导] 2012年英语六级阅读:老朋友的重聚
Old friends.They finish your sentences,they remember the cat that ran away when you were twelve,and they tell you the truth when you’ve had a bad haircut.But mostly, they are always there2012-03-30 编辑:Daisy 标签:
[六级阅读辅导] 2012年英语六级阅读:你是"校漂族"吗?
月光族,投资族,暴走族,账客族等等这些已经成为上一页啦,现在新兴的是校漂族。其实小编觉得这个族的出现未必是必然的,但它的出现却也是可以理解的,实在是形势所迫呀…… Get a college degree and you&2012-03-29 编辑:Dsiay 标签:
[六级阅读辅导] 2012年英语六级阅读:珍视爱的光辉
珍视爱的光辉[qh]Admire Their Glow(By Michael T. Smith)[qh] I looked at my beautiful Christmas tree and sighed. It was time. The New Year was a week old and my tree still stood in the corner of our ro2012-03-28 编辑:Dsiay 标签:
[六级阅读辅导] 2012年英语六级阅读:有感于青春常在
On the Feeling of Immortality in youth[qh]有感于青春常在[qh]William Hazlitt[qh]威廉·赫兹里特[qh] No young man believes he shall ever die.It was a saying of my brother's, and a fine one. There is2012-03-27 编辑:Dsiay 标签:
[六级阅读辅导] 2012年英语六级阅读:全世界学生都离不开电子产品
It doesn't matter if a college student lives in the United States, Chile, China, Slovakia, Mexico or Lebanon -- many are addicted to media, researchers say.[qh] 研究人员称,对于现在的大学生来2012-03-26 编辑:Dsiay 标签:
[六级阅读辅导] 2012年英语六级阅读:拥抱今天
Relish the momentTucked away in our subconscious is an idyllic vision. We see ourselves on a long trip that spans the continent. We are traveling by train. Out the windows, we drink in the passing sc2012-03-23 编辑:Dsiay 标签:
[六级阅读辅导] 2012年英语六级阅读:乔布斯在斯坦福大学毕业典礼上的演讲(3)
My third story is about death.[qh]我的第三个故事是关于死亡的.[qh]When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like : If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you’ll most certai2012-03-22 编辑:Dsiay 标签:
[六级阅读辅导] 2012年英语六级阅读:乔布斯在斯坦福大学毕业典礼上的演讲(2)
My second story is about love and loss.[qh]我的第二个故事是关于爱和损失的.[qh]I was lucky - I found what I loved to do early in life. Woz and I started Apple in my parents garage when I was 20. We wo2012-03-21 编辑:Dsiay 标签:
[六级阅读辅导] 2012年英语六级阅读:乔布斯在斯坦福大学毕业典礼上的演讲(1)
This is the text of the Commencement address by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, delivered on June 12, 2005.I am honored to be with you today at your commencement fro2012-03-20 编辑:Dsiay 标签:
[六级阅读辅导] 2012年英语六级阅读:爱情的最新研究
When it comes to love, there are no hard and fast rules though many people follow the age-old theory that opposites attract.[qh] 虽然许多人都遵循相异相吸这一老话,但情场上其实并没有铁的法则2012-03-19 编辑:Dsiay 标签:
[六级阅读辅导] 2012年英语六级阅读:美国上班族流行站着工作
Mark Ramirez, a senior executive at AOL, could work in the cushiest leather chair, if he wanted. No, thanks. He prefers to stand most of the day at a desk raised above stomach level.[qh] 美国在线2012-03-16 编辑:Dsiay 标签:
课程名称 | 课时 | 优惠价 | 试听 |
英语六级零基础VIP签约全程班【2014年12月】 | 119 | 1280 | ![]() |
大学英语六级425通关班【2014年12月】 | 109 | 580 | ![]() |
英语六级词汇一笑而过【周思成主讲】 | 30 | 200 | ![]() |
英语六级单项突破班—听力【李旭主讲】 | 12 | 180 | ![]() |
英语六级单项突破班——阅读【吴洋主讲】 | 12 | 180 | ![]() |