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高级美国幼儿歌曲(MP3+歌词) 第235期:老母鸡

来源:沪江 编辑:wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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The old hen she cackled

She cackled in the loft

The next time she cackled

She cackled in the trough

The old hen she cackled

She cackled in the stable

The next time she cackled

She cackled on the table

The old hen she cackled

She cackled in the barn

The next time she cackled

She cackled in the yard

The old hen she cackled

She cackled in the stable

The next time she cackled

She cackled on the table

The old hen she cackled

She cackled and she flew

The old hen she cackled

And the rooster cackled too

The old hen she cackled

She cackled in the stable

The next time she cackled

She cackled on the table

The old hen she cackled

She cackled in the patch

The old hen she cackled

She cackled on the latch

The old hen she cackled

She cackled in the stable

The next time she cackled

She cackled on the table

The old hen she cackled

She cackled in the patch

The old hen she cackled

She cackled on the latch

The old hen she cackled

She cackled in the stable

The next time she cackled

She cackled on the table

The old hen she cackled

She cackled in the stable

The next time she cackled

She cackled on the table




