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新派英语第四册 Unit1:我们

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Unit 1 All About Us
10.Listen.Complete the sentences.
11.Listen and sing.
Two big spiders,Big and black,See how they run.
They are having fun.One is hanging above my head.
The other is laughing on my bed.I'll chase them out of the window instead.
Two big spiders,Big and black.
The Two Cousins by Judy nayer
Deb and Nan are talking on the phone.Deb is excited.
Soon she is going to see her cousin,Nan.
Nan is from Jamaica.She is just a little older than Deb.
Nan is flying from Jamaica today.Deb is going to the airport to meet her.
Nan gets off the plane with her mother.Deb know it is Nan.
She waves her hand when she sees her.
Nan is so happy,she has a big smile on her face.
That afternoon,the two cousins go to the zoo.
They like the hippos and the elephants.They love the monkeys!
Then they go into a building where it is dark.
Deb sees a big,long snake.She gets scared and jumps.
Deb and Nan have a good time.
They take the bus to the city,and they go to a carnival.
After a week,it is time to say good-bye.
The two girls are sad.They take pictures before Nan has to go.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
carnival ['kɑ:nivəl]


n. 嘉年华会,狂欢节,饮晏狂欢

chase [tʃeis]


n. 追求,狩猎,争取
vt. 追捕,狩猎

plane [plein]


adj. 平的,与飞机有关的
n. 飞机,水平





